(G4EN) Grammar present & past tenses

Welcome to Mrs Everstijn's (online) classroom
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This lesson contains 11 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 2 videos.

Items in this lesson

Welcome to Mrs Everstijn's (online) classroom

Slide 1 - Slide

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Retrieving prior knowledge & reflecting:

  1. How well do you think you remember the theory with reference to the present tenses and how to form them?
  2. How well do you think you remember the theory with reference to the past tenses and how to form them?

    Slide 2 - Slide

    Advise students to jot this reflection down on their G4EN Grammar Revision period 1 form. This way they can assess afterwards whether their assumption was correct. = working on SWOT analyses and reflecting skills.

    Additional activity:
    CHECK: Teacher asks students which present tenses and which past tenses they remember. Jot down on the whiteboard. Scaffold if needed.
    Materials :
    • G4EN Grammar Revision period 1  form
    • 2 different coloured pens & paper = answers & checks
    • Essential English Grammar reference guide.

    Slide 3 - Slide

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    Learning objectives:
    • Students can select the appropriate tense.
    • Students can use the correct form of this tense.
    • Students can assess their learning progress.
    • Students can plan their additional revision.

    Slide 4 - Slide

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    • Students work individually  if they think they have mastered the theory already => studieplanner week 35
    • Students join an interactive lecture on present and past tenses.

    Slide 5 - Slide

    Students participate in an in-class interactive lecture regarding the present and past tense. Together with the teacher they go over the rules and assignments.  


    Students read the theory on the present and past tense individually and ask questions if necessary. They do the error analysis assignment and correct their work with the key available. If they have more than two mistakes, continue with the preparatory assignments to improve their skill.
    individual / class
    Exercises on the tenses.docx (Teams - lesmateriaal)
    Answer in your notebook. Use different colour to check the answers
    Grammar Reference (Teams - files)
    45 minutes
    Fill in your Grammar Revision period 1 overview.
    Read your novel / get a novel from the library.



    Slide 6 - Slide

    Students who opt to work individually must work on the following (highlighted) activities; 
    • revision (p1), 
    • Ex 3: Error analysis (Present tense p3), 
    • Review (p3/4), 
    • Ex 3: Error analysis Past & perfect tenses (p4/5), 
    • Ex 3: Fill-in-the-blank with the correct tense (p5).
    More than 2 mistakes = all exercises.
    HOMEWORK Monday September, 25th:

    * Upload a photo of your checked work in Teams (opdrachten)
    * Upload a revision plan with reference to Present and Past tenses in Teams (opdrachten)
    * Fill in the G4 grammar revision periode 1 (Teams / lesmateriaal / Grammar)

    In class:
    * Future tenses

    Slide 7 - Slide

    Students participate in an in-class interactive lecture regarding the present and past tense. Together with the teacher they go over the rules and assignments.  


    Students read the theory on the present and past tense individually and ask questions if necessary. They do the error analysis assignment and correct their work with the key available. If they have more than two mistakes, continue with the preparatory assignments to improve their skill.
    What mark would you give yourself with reference to your input this week?

    Slide 8 - Open question

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    Have you improved with reference to last week?

    Slide 9 - Open question

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    Slide 10 - Video

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    Slide 11 - Video

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