This week's Targets
Unit 3 Lesson 5
Vocabulary Exercises: ☐2 ☐ 10
Reading Exercises: ☐ 1a,b ☐11a,b
Expressions Exercises: ☐ 3 ☐6
Grammar Exercises: ☐4 ☐5 ☐7 ☐8
Test jezelf & Versterk jezelf
- I can use reading strategies in order to answer questions about what I have read
- I can use the words of SB 5 in context
- I know the expressions by heart and I can use them in context
- I know how and when to use wh-words
- I know how and when to use can/could/to be able to/to be allowed to
- I know how and when to use have to/must/should (revision)
- I know how and when to use some/any (revision)
- I know how and when to use the Future Tense (revision)
- I can respond adequately to a simple formal letter
- I know the irregular verbs 16-30 by heart (This is Unit 2 in the bronnen en activiteiten)
Test jezelf & Versterk jezelf