
Planning H3C
- Grammar:  past simple vs. past continuous vs. present perfect
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 1-3

This lesson contains 41 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

Planning H3C
- Grammar:  past simple vs. past continuous vs. present perfect

Slide 1 - Slide

Past simple

Wanneer? Korte actie in het verleden die is afgelopen.

Signaalwoorden: Yesterday, last year, in 1999

+ (positief) ww + ed

- (negatief)  didn't + hele ww

? (vraag)  did + hele ww

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Past simple

The most exciting thing ______________ (happen) to me last week.

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Past continuous

Wanneer? Langere  actie in het verleden

+ (positief)  was/were + ww + ing

- (negatief) wasn't/weren't + ww + ing

? (vraag) was/were + ww + ing 

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Past continuous & past simple

Vaak moet je dus bepalen wat de langere actie (p.c.) is en wat de korte actie is (p.s.). 

I __________ (call) when the buss ______ (stop). 

Slide 5 - Slide

Present perfect

Wanneer? Actie die in het verleden begon en nu nog steeds invloed heeft

Signaalwoorden: FYNE JAS

+ (positief) have/has + voltooid deelwoord

- (negatief)  haven't/hasn't + voltooid deelwoord

? (vraag) Have/has + voltooid deelwoord

Slide 6 - Slide

Present perfect

We  __________________ (be) married for 20 years.

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1. Kijk of de activiteit nog bezig is. 
Ja = present perfect, nee = ga naar vraag 2

2. Heeft de zin 2 activiteiten?
lange = past continuous, korte = past simple

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I _________ (look) around to find my socks, but I couldn't find them.
have looked
was looking

Slide 9 - Quiz

My mother _______ (be) a doctor for years.
have been
was being

Slide 10 - Quiz

Sarah _______ (paint) the fence, when Jo saw her.
has painted
was painting

Slide 11 - Quiz

Do ex. 4, 5 & 6 of lesson 5.5
Read in your reading book!

Heb je de vragenlijst over 'the wave' nog niet ingevuld, dan doe je dat eerst!

This is your homework for next class!

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Planning H1H
- Check ex. 1-4 of lesson 5.1
- Grammar: past simple
- Writing: how were your holidays

Slide 13 - Slide

Past Simple
- Wanneer gebruik je de Past Simple?

-  Hoe maak je de Past Simple?

- Hoe kan je de Past Simple herkennen?

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Past Simple

Slide 15 - Slide

Past Simple
Past simple
Om te zeggen dat iets is is gebeurd in het verleden.
werkwoord + –ed        walk > walked
Yesterday, last week, last month, two days ago, four days ago, months ago, a second ago, etc.
He walked her home last night.
I talked to him on the phone yesterday.
She tried to close her book but a fly got caught in between the pages.

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Let op! Bij een aantal woorden veranderd de spelling:
1.Bij woorden die eindigen op een mede-klinker -y, de -y wordt een -i:  try > tried

2. Bij woorden die eindigen op een -e, alleen +d:  
dance > danced

3. Bij woorden die eindigen in medeklinker + klinker + medeklinker, verdubbel je de laatste letter: stop > stopped

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Do ex. 6 of lesson 5.4
Take a look at the grammar rules of the past simple on page 215.

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Writing task
Write 50 - 100 words about your holidays. 

What did you do in your holidays?
Did you go on holiday?
Who did you spent your holidays with?

Use at least 5 times the past simple form!

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Homework for next week
- finish ex. 6 of lesson 5.4
- Finish the writing assignment about your holidays

Slide 20 - Slide

Planning MH1
- Introduction unit 5: Ireland
- Grammar: past simple
- Writing: how were your holidays

Slide 21 - Slide

- What do you already know about the country?
- Riverdance

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Slide 23 - Video

Past Simple
- Wanneer gebruik je de Past Simple?

-  Hoe maak je de Past Simple?

- Hoe kan je de Past Simple herkennen?

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Past Simple

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Past Simple
Past simple
Om te zeggen dat iets is is gebeurd in het verleden.
werkwoord + –ed        walk > walked
Yesterday, last week, last month, two days ago, four days ago, months ago, a second ago, etc.
He walked her home last night.
I talked to him on the phone yesterday.
She tried to close her book but a fly got caught in between the pages.

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Let op! Bij een aantal woorden veranderd de spelling:
1.Bij woorden die eindigen op een mede-klinker -y, de -y wordt een -i:  try > tried

2. Bij woorden die eindigen op een -e, alleen +d:  
dance > danced

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Do ex. 6 of lesson 5.4
Take a look at the grammar rules of the past simple on page 215.

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Writing task
Write 50 - 100 words about your holidays. 

What did you do in your holidays?
Did you go on holiday?
Who did you spent your holidays with?

Use at least 5 times the past simple form!

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Homework for next week
- finish ex. 6 of lesson 5.4
- Finish the writing assignment about your holidays

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Planning H2G
- Grammar: past simple vs. past continuous
- Work on your news presentation!

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Planning H2F
- Grammar: Past simple vs. past continuous

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Past simple & Past continuous
Twee vormen van verleden tijd:
- Past simple 
- Past continuous 

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Past Simple & Past Continuous
I _______________ (wait) for the bus when it _______________ (start) to rain. 

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Past Simple & Past Continuous
I WAS WAITING (wait) for the bus when it STARTED (start) to rain. 

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Past Continuous & Past Continuous
While we ______________________ (walk) the dog, the neighbours _______________ (wash) their car. 

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Past Continuous & Past Continuous
While we WERE WALKING (walk) the dog, the neighbours WERE WASHING (wash) their car. 

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Past Simple & Past Continuous
 I _________________________ (read) the newspaper, when all of a sudden my cat ___________________ (jump) onto my lap. 

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Past Simple & Past Continuous
 I WAS READING (read) the newspaper, when all of a sudden my cat JUMPED (jump) onto my lap. 

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Do ex. 7, 8 & 9 of lesson 6.4
Work on your news presentation

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Keuze uur HAVO 2
- Kies een film of serie uit die je leuk vindt.
- Maak een korte presentatie van minimaal 1 minuut waarin je het onderstaande verwerkt:
1. Waar gaat het verhaal over?
2. Wat zijn de belangrijkste personages?
3. Waarom vind je dit een leuke serie/film?

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