Art of dressing hair

Blow Drying Hair
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HairdressingFurther Education (Key Stage 5)

This lesson contains 26 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

Blow Drying Hair

Slide 1 - Slide

Working towards completion of the blow dry hair exam 
Identify alpha - beta 
Recall which bonds are changed 

Slide 2 - Slide

Sterilisng tools 
It is important to make sure you are cleaning and sterlising you tools and equipment to stop cross contamination
Sterilisation destroys all living microorganisms on the surface of an article or in a fluid to prevent disease transmission associated with the use of that item.
While disinfection is the process of eliminating or reducing harmful micro-organisms from inanimate objects and surfaces, sterilization is the process of killing all microorganisms.

Slide 3 - Slide

BARBICIDE® Spacide Complete can be used to disinfect all of the same tools, implements and surfaces as you do with BARBCIDE®. It can be mixed and used in spray bottles as well as being used for immersion.

Slide 4 - Slide

These easy-to-use disinfecting wipes are EPA-Registered bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal & tuberculocidal with a 2-minute contact time, assuring your salon, spa or barber shop quickly meets sanitation and disinfection guidelines.

Slide 5 - Slide

 Autoclave Steriliser is recommended by health authorities for beauty salon instrument sterilisation. It operates at 125 degree temperature using a saturated steam sterilisation on a 20 minute sterilisation cycle which is the most effective and economic method to obtain safe steriliastion.

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UV sterilisers work just as their name suggests – they use UV-C wavelengths to destroy all microorganisms exposed to the rays of light. UV-C rays have enough energy to scramble the DNA and RNA of both bacteria and viruses, plus any other mould, fungus or yeast, that is present on your tools.

Slide 7 - Slide

There are many different shapes and styles and a variety of ways to complete.
This is why we have different tools, equipment and products 

Slide 8 - Slide

Research Task 
Look at the following images 
Can you identify how to complete the look?
Think about....
What products to use?....remember to use wet and dry products 
What brushes and equipment would be suitable?
Flat, radial brush? tongs/wand? setting? 

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Where in the hair shaft are the bonds physically changed when blow dry/setting?

Slide 12 - Open question

Polypeptide chains is a keratinised protein found in the cortex

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Slide 14 - Slide

Can you guess which bonds are changed when blow drying, curling etc?

Slide 15 - Mind map

When physically changing the bonds in the hair we are changing the HYDROGEN bonds 
These are weaker are can be broken down by water as the hair is HYGROSCOPIC 

Slide 16 - Slide

How can the hair take on moisture?

Slide 17 - Mind map

Alpha - Beta 
When the hair is in its natural shape - this is ALPHA keratin 
If the hair is stretched into a new shape this is known as BETA keratin 
eg - straight hair is curled 
eg - straight hair is set 
This shape is temporary and can be changed when the hair is wet shampooed or even caught in the rain!!

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Slide 19 - Slide

Which image A or B was in alpha keratin

Slide 20 - Mind map

A                                    B

Slide 21 - Slide

Which picture A or B in in Beta keratin

Slide 22 - Mind map


Slide 23 - Slide

Which picture is in Beta keratin?

Slide 24 - Mind map

Here's a thought?
If a client has had their hair chemically relaxed ....but then has it curled with a wand/tong or straighteners

What state is it then? 

Slide 25 - Slide

Slide 26 - Link