7.1 The Enlightenment

The next unit.
What is it going to be about?

You will see 4 pictures.
Each pictures represents a Typical Aspect of this new Age

Use your phone to guess what the Typical Aspect is.
Good Luck

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HistoryMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 40 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

The next unit.
What is it going to be about?

You will see 4 pictures.
Each pictures represents a Typical Aspect of this new Age

Use your phone to guess what the Typical Aspect is.
Good Luck

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Slide 2 - Mind map

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Slide 3 - Mind map

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Slide 4 - Mind map

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What is this Age called?
the Time of Slavery and Revolution
the Time of Enlightenment and Beyond
the Time of Masters and Slaves
the Time of Wigs and Revolutions

Slide 6 - Quiz

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What dates belong to this Age?
the 18th century
the 1800s
1800 - 1900 AD
the 17th century

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the Time of Wigs and Revolutions
1700 - 1800
Typical Aspects:

-the Enlightenment
-slavery and abolitionism
-the American Revolution
-the French Revolution

the 18th century

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Unit 7, Lesson 1: The Enlightenment
  • The Enlightenment = De Verlichting
  • It was a new way of thinking that spread across Europe in the 18th century
  • It is also called "The Age of Reason"
  • It evolved from the Scientific Revolution
  • Bright thinkers believed that with the use of reason, they could solve all problems and rid the world of "dark ideas".
  • if they were succesful the world would be "enlightened".

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Enlightened thinkers used reason to hopefully improve:

  • politics (what is reasonably the best way a state can be governed?)
  • religion ( does God exist? and is religion a benefit for humanity?)
  • economy (what economic system can make everybody wealthy, not just a small group?)
  • social issues (are all people equal? If so, why have some people more rights than others?)

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Now write down an
example of something Enlightened
thinkers would not approve of
in their time?

Slide 11 - Mind map

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John Locke:

All people have natural rights that nobody can take away, not even a king.

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What would you consider to be a
BASIC RIGHT for all humans?

Slide 13 - Mind map

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7. The Time of Wigs and Revolutions
1. The Enlightenment 

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the Time of Wigs and Revolutions
1700 - 1800
The 18th century is an age of both reason and mindless violence, of freedom and slavery, and of unimaginable wealth and desperate poverty. 
The transatlantic slave trade grows and so does opposition to it. 
European philosophers reach new conclusions on all sorts of topics including economic, religious, social and political issues. 
These developments are together called the Enlightenment.

These developments are together called the Enlightenment.

Typical Aspects:

-the Enlightenment
-slavery and abolitionism
-the American Revolution
-the French Revolution

The 18th Century

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What is this lesson about?
In Unit 6.4, you read about the Scientific Revolution. Scientists used observation and experimentation to gain knowledge, and logic and reasoning to reach acceptable conclusions. This new way of thinking inspired many great thinkers in the eighteenth century to question all aspects of life. This resulted in a movement called the Enlightenment, so named because it would rid the world of dark ideas such as ignorance, irrationality, intolerance and inequality.

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Main Questions

  1. What is the difference between the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution?
  2. Why did Enlightened thinkers often come into conflict with the people in power (clergy and nobility)?
  3. Who were the most influential Enlightenment philosophers and how did their ideas have an impact on our world today?

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people in this lesson
John Locke
Who are these philosophers and what is their most famous idea?

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Different from the Scientific Revolution 

During the Scientific Revolution, scientists tried to use scientific methods to explain the working of the world, nature, the universe.
This was revolutionary, but it was mainly applied to sciences. Ordinary people did not see any changes to their lives.
The Enlightenment continued to evolve from these new scientific views, theories and methods. The difference here is that 18th century thinkers used the methods of the Scientific Revolution, but they tried to apply them on other topics, such as politics, economy, religion and social issues.
They believed that if they, like the scientists before them, could find strict “natural laws” to explain the workings of the economy, or politics, that they could “enlighten” the world;  solve all problems and make the world a better place.

A Philosopher giving a Lecture on the Orrery, in which a lamp is put in the place of the sun, 1764-66, Joseph Wright of Derby, Derby Museums,

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1. Explain why the intellectual movement of the 18th century was called the Enlightenment

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In the eighteenth century thinkers and scientists called themselves “les Philosophes”, the philosophers. This title was not new, but it showed their interest beyond the world of natural science, because the word 'philosopher' means “lover of knowledge” - not limited to science. 
The Enlightenment philosophers believed that their rational way of thinking  could bring about progress, making life better for mankind.

Diner of Philosophers

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This positive outlook on life 
is called rational optimism
The philosophers also thought that every person has basic human rights, which had to be respected, even by kings. 
The problem with this way of thinking was that it automatically led to criticism of the current social, political and economic situation. This criticism was directed mostly at the people in power, being the clergy and the nobility. Therefore the clergy and nobility often tried to ban books with Enlightenment ideas, which made these works even more popular for those who sympathised with the ideas.

A bookseller in London in 1750. Because of the explosion of intellectual activity, publishing was ‘booming business’ these days. Drawing by an unknown artist.

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2a) What do you think are human basic rights?
Try to mention three.

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2b) Why were many philosophers, like Voltaire,
unpopular with the authorities?

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Enlightenment and Religion

Enlightenment philosophers were generally opposed to the Catholic Church and organized religion in general. Especially in France, the center of the European Enlightenment, the Catholic Church was seen as an oppressor -- along with the nobility -- of individual freedom and reason because of its rules and insistence on being the only source of truth.

Yet enlightenment thinkers were not true atheists, (= people who do not believe in any God). Rather, most were deists -- they believed in a God that created the universe that is governed by natural laws. These laws made it unnecessary for God to further meddle in human affairs. 
In the following slides we are going to take a closer look on some of the most influential Enlightenment thinkers

The Declaration of Independence of the United States of America, in 1776.
The founders of the the declaration, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, were both deists

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3a. Explain the difference between an atheist and a deist.

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3b. What would a deist think about a government that makes a law telling people to listen to the Catholic Church?

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Spreading the Enlightenment

The works of Enlightenment writers reached a greater audience than scientific or philosophic works had done before in the Early Modern Age. The use of the printing press made it possible to create the first mass media. Newspapers and pamphlets were quite popular, especially in the cities. The Enlightenment ideas were also discussed in public meeting places like coffeehouses and salons.
These salon meetings were meant for the upper class. People would host these meetings in the salons of their houses and invite scientists and philosophers to speak about their ideas and works. 

Another way the Enlightenment ideas were spread was by a group of Enlightenment writers led by Denis Diderot, who decided to try and gather as much knowledge as possible on all kinds of topics and publish it under the name Encyclopedie ('encyclopedia').

madame Geoffrin
a statue of Voltaire, who was in exile at that moment.
Baron de Montesquieu, whose idea of the Separation of Power (Trias Politica) is still being used in modern western democracies.
Denis Diderot (1713 - 1784). Painting by Louis-Michel van Loo (1767)
Encyclopedia, or a Systematic Dictionary of the Sciences, Arts, and Crafts) was a general encyclopedia published in France between 1751 and 1772, with later supplements, revised editions, and translations. It had many writers, known as the Encyclopédistes. It was edited by Denis Diderot and, until 1759, co-edited by Jean le Rond d'Alembert.

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  • wrote more than two thousand books and pamphlets on all sorts of topics
  • was very critical towards the catholic church and the French king.
  • because of this he was put in prison and later exiled from France
  • his ideas were important in the French Revolution

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John Locke

  • He believed that "all people are created equal"
  • All people have natural rights that nobody can take away, like: life, freedom and the right to own property
  • He was against absolutism. He believed that a government is a social contract between the government and the people. And if a ruler is a bad ruler, the people have the right to overthrow him.

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  • He is famous for his theory of the Separation of Powers (Trias Politica):
  • The power of the state should never be in the hands of one person.
  • therefore power should be split up into three seperate parts, being:
  • the legislative (making laws), executive (carrying out the laws) and judicial (providing independent judgement) branch.
  • his ideas are still used in most constitutions all over the world.

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Adam Smith

  • Scottish economist. Wrote the book "Wealth of Nations"
  • Believed that the economy works best if there is Free Trade.
  • A government should not interfere in the economy.
  • He was against mercantilism.

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4. One of the aforementioned philosophers' name wasn't his real name. It was an anagram of AROVET LI, which is the Latin spelling of his real surname: Arouet le Jeune.
Who is he?

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Word Duty


Enlightenment: movement of thinkers striving to nd the world of dark ideas such as ignorance, 
irrationality, intolerance and inequality.
Rational optimism: the belief that a rational way of thinking and ideas could bring about 
progress, making life better for mankind 
Basic human rights: a right that every person has and which has to be respected, even by kings. 
Atheist: someone who does not believe in the existence of any God.
Deist: Someone who believes in a God that created the universe according to natural laws, but does not interfere with humans.
Trias Politica: the idea that the power of the state should be divided into three different parts 
Free market economy: economic system with little or no government interference allowing competition between sellers, while the amount of buyers dictates the size of the market.
Salon: meetings where members of the upper class would meet and have scientists and philosophers speak about their work and ideas 
Encyclopedie (encyclopedia): a collection of knowledge on as many subjects as possible

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Important dates in this lesson:

No specific dates you should learn, except that the Enlightenment thinkers lived in the 18th century.

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Overview development worldview
You will receive a paper handout of this schedule. Then you can fill in the gaps using these options: 
- natural laws - work of God - Greeks and Romans - scientists - reason - sciences - economy - social issues - reading the Bible - empirical thinking - philosophers - natural phenomena - the Church - social issues - rational thinking - politics - humanists - religion - Scientific Method

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You will get a handout that you can fill in. So you do’nt need to copy the whole schedule
Summary 7.1: The Enlightenment

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Summary 7.1: The Enlightenment
Copy and fill in: social contract - free trade - Trias Politica - critical towards clergy, nobility and absolutism - natural rights

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Write down a question about something from this lesson that you don't understand.

Slide 39 - Open question

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