Linking words (Of Course booklet p.113-121)
Veelvoorkomende tekstverbanden die je herkent aan de signaalwoorden:
- Tegenstelling: yet, however, on the other hand, contrary to, nevertheless
Voorbeeld: It's good. Yet, it could be improved.
- Reden, verklaring: due to, therefore, that's why
Voorbeeld: There were some problems. Therefore, we were delayed.
- Samenvatting of conclusie: finally, in short, to conclude
Voorbeeld: Traffic was slow, and our car broke down. In short, we didn't manage to arrive on time.
- Vergelijking: similarly, likewise, as well as
Voorbeeld: The soup was delicious. Likewise, the main course was excellent.
- Oorzaak-gevolg: consequently, as a result of that, hence
Voorbeeld: The singer had fallen ill. Consequently, the show was cancelled.