Now we are going to install Schoolyear on your laptops!
Slide 4 - Slide
Your upcoming exam
Check your mail!
Lezen A2 Engels op laptop
Woensdag 7 februari 09:00 aanwezig in 220 Examen start 09:15
Neem je eigen laptop mee. Vergeet ook je oplader niet en denk eraan de avond er voor te checken of er geen updates moeten worden gedaan.
Slide 5 - Slide
Your upcoming test
14 Februari 09:00 - 10:00
1 studiepunt
Generieke toets over lesstof van de afgelopen weken. Volgende week bespreken we dit.
Slide 6 - Slide
What is this?
Slide 7 - Mind map
Reading; haggis
We are now going to read a text about haggis. When you are done, choose from the next two exercises:
Create your own mindmap about this text, so take out the main points (content words) and connect them
Create your own questions about this text. Make sure to write down the answers as well
Slide 8 - Slide
Slide 9 - Video
Speaking exercise in small groups/pairs
You are going to pair up. One of you will receive a picture from me. The other one has to guess what's on it by only asking yes/no questions. Good luck!