Population graph (bevolkingsgrafiek): Graph with layers for the age groups and the percentage of men and women per age group
Age distribution (leeftijdsopbouw): The division into age groups of the inhabitants of a country
Natural population growth (natuurlijke bevolkingsgroei): population growth due to births and deaths
Social population growth (sociale bevolkingsgroei): Population growth due to immigration and emigration
International migration (internationale migratie): people moving to a different country
Emigrant (emigrant): A person who leaves their country and goes to a different one
immigrant (immigrant): A person who enters a country and goed to live there
Push factors (push factoren): Things that make you want to leave a country
Pull factors (pull factoren): Things that make you want to go to a country
Family formation (gezinsstichting): Iemand zoekt een partner in het land van herkomst en neemt ze mee naar het land waar hij of zij woont
Family reunification (gezinshereniging): Family members who were separated due to migration go to live together again