Periode5-klas2-Examen Gesprekken

klas 2

periode 5
week 2

Wat gaan we deze periode doen op Taalblokken?

  • Examentraining Gesprekken A2

  • Beroepsgerichte module participating in a meeting

Welke examens heb je deze periode?
Gesprekken voeren A2
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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2

This lesson contains 10 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

klas 2

periode 5
week 2

Wat gaan we deze periode doen op Taalblokken?

  • Examentraining Gesprekken A2

  • Beroepsgerichte module participating in a meeting

Welke examens heb je deze periode?
Gesprekken voeren A2

Slide 1 - Slide

Vorige les

Voer een kort gesprek over een sport in het Engels. Een medestudent speelt de rol van je vriend(in). 

welke sport je onlangs hebt uitgeprobeerd;

waar je dat hebt gedaan;
of het een binnen- of buitensport is;
met hoeveel mensen je de sport kunt beoefenen;

nog twee andere kenmerken van de sport (denk aan: materialen, kleding, spelregels);

twee dingen die je leuk vond aan de sport en waarom;
twee dingen die je minder leuk vond aan de sport en waarom.

Slide 2 - Slide

Deze les
  • Examentraining gesprekken A2 afmaken
  • Beroepsgerichte module A2
        Unit 1: Participating in a meeting   
Alleen Language situation 1 en
Language situation 2
        Unit 2: Applying for a job
  • Module - A2 Thema | Building blocks-SPEAKING
1.5 , 2.5, 3.5 en 4.5

Laatste 15 minuten gespreksoefening in 2-tallen

Slide 3 - Slide

In 2-tallen
What work-related topics do you and your colleagues discuss together? Why?

Is there anything you want to change about the work meetings at your work or internship? Why? 

Tell something about your tasks. (for your side job in the present tense or in the past tense for your last internship)

Tell something about the tasks you will do next week or during your next internship.

Slide 4 - Slide

In 2-tallen
You both describe your own city or town.
Name at least two positive things and one negative. Think about the size, the sights, the people, the atmosphere, etc.

How did you travel to school when you were a kid?
b. What did you always do along the way?
c. Did you travel alone?

Slide 5 - Slide

In 2-tallen

What were your eating habits when you were young? Ask each other the following questions. Your answers must contain ‘used to’, ‘would’, and the past simple.
When you were growing up …
a. ... what did you usually have for dinner?
b. ... did you go to restaurants?
c. ... where did you go to eat?

Slide 6 - Slide

In 2-tallen
Ex. 5. Discuss what is important to you when you choose a place to eat or have a drink.

Ex. 33. Together, pick one of the jobs. Have a conversation about the following statement: ‘It’s great to work as a ...’.
Brainstorm about the pros and the cons.

One of you thinks this is a great job, the other doesn’t. Decide who will discuss the pros, and who will discuss the cons.
Take a few minutes to prepare.
Have the conversation. You both express your opinion and explain why you (dis)agree with the arguments the other makes.

Slide 7 - Slide

In 2-tallen
In pairs:

1. What's the best film you've ever seen?
2. Describe the plot of the film in a few sentences:
The film is about…. The main characters are… The setting is…
3. What did you like about the film? Was there also something you dislikes?
Explain your answer.
4. Who were your favorite and least favourite characters in this film?
5. Did you agree with the ending? Would you change the ending?

Slide 8 - Slide

Deze les
  • Examentraining gesprekken A2 afmaken
  • Beroepsgerichte module A2
        Unit 1: Participating in a meeting   
Alleen Language situation 1 en
Language situation 2
        Unit 2: Applying for a job
  • Module - A2 Thema | Building blocks-SPEAKING
1.5 , 2.5, 3.5 en 4.5

Laatste 15 minuten gespreksoefening in 2-tallen

Slide 9 - Slide

In 2-tallen
1: Pair up with another student. You are going to play the game Guess Who. 
You both choose someone from the grid. This is your ‘mystery person’. 
The other will have to find out who it is.
Follow these the game rules to play the game:
Take turns to ask one question. The youngest player goes first.
When it’s your turn, ask a question that can be answered with ‘yes’ or ‘no’. 
For example: ’Does your mystery person have a beard?’.
If the answer is ‘yes’, you know that all the people without beards can be crossed off your grid.
If the answer is ‘no’, then all of the people with a beard can be crossed off instead.
Keep asking questions until there’s only one person left on the grid. That’s the mystery person!

2: Pair up with another student to talk about first impressions based on clothes.
Give at least two personal examples of how someone’s outfit can affect your first opinion of a person and why. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with each other.

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