
Good to see you all again!
  • On your table:
  • Book
  • Notebook
  • iPad --> LessonUp (once you are in today's lesson, put it down flat on your table)
  • timer
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    Slide 1: Slide
    EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 2

    This lesson contains 11 slides, with text slides.

    time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

    Items in this lesson

    Good to see you all again!
  • On your table:
  • Book
  • Notebook
  • iPad --> LessonUp (once you are in today's lesson, put it down flat on your table)
  • timer

    Slide 1 - Slide

    Learning goals
    • At the end of this week you can find and understand specific information in everyday material.
    • At the end of this week you can understand adverts with few abbreviations.
    • At the end of this week you can understand the main points of magazine, newspaper or internet articles.
    • At the end of this week you can correctly use some any, something, anything etc. and the possessive pronouns

    Slide 2 - Slide

    Today's Programme
    • Some /any / possessive pronouns recap
    • Reading 

    Slide 3 - Slide

    Slide 4 - Link

    Slide 5 - Link

    Checking your answers
    Exc. 9
    a. any --> question
    b. some --> positive sentence
    c. some --> question, offering someone something
    d. any --> negative sentence
    e. some --> questions, you expect the answer to be yes
    f. any --> question

    Slide 6 - Slide

    Checking your answers
    Exc. 10
    a. Can/Could I ask you something.
    b. Do you know anyone called Tim?
    c. I saw him somewhere in the park this morning.
    d. Can/Could I have some muffins, please?
    e. I'm not doing anything right mow.
    f. Do you want something to drink?
    g. Are there any hamburgers left?
    h. I can't find my keys anywhere.

    Slide 7 - Slide

    Checking your answers
    Exc. 11
    a. our - theirs
    b. of mine
    c. my - mine
    d. my - yours
    e. her - hers
    f. of theirs
    g. mine
    h. his
    i. That dog running over there is ours
    j. So let's see these new jeans of yours.

    Slide 8 - Slide

    Reading: exc. 4, 12, 13
    • What? Read the texts and answer the questions. In exc. 4 you have to fill in the gaps. In exc. 12 you have to read the text and complete the conversation. In exc. 13 follow the steps
    • How? Individually or in pairs 
    • Time? Untill 13:20
    • Note? If you have any questions, please ask!
    • Done? Work on your homework or study your irregular verbs

    Slide 9 - Slide


    Slide 10 - Slide

    Next week
    • Writing
    • Past continuous 

    Slide 11 - Slide