New ideas in New times - week 6

Today's planning
- What is up with your online method?

- Working on 6.2
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GeschiedenisMiddelbare schoolvmbo lwooLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 11 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

Today's planning
- What is up with your online method?

- Working on 6.2

Slide 1 - Slide

Chapter 6: Reason and Revolution
(pruiken en revoluties)
We will discuss subjects and events that happened during the 18th century. 

1700 - 1800 is called The age of wigs and revolution.
In this chapter you'll find scientific discoveries, but also a lot of violence. People are fighting for democracy and freedom. 
It is also a time where Europeans use African slaves for trade. 

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 The age of reason
In the 17th century (1600-1700) there was a scientific revolution
Scientists started working with new methods and logic thinking. This new way of thinking also inspired philosophers.

Philosophers questioned every aspect of life: nature, science, religion, morals and behaviour. 
This is called 'enlightened thinking'

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Enlightened thinking
The philosophers started to believe in things as basic human rights for everyone. They believed people should have equal rights. 

They saw the Middle Ages as a dark time full of superstition. 
This new way of thinking made room for 'light'.
That is why we call this century The Age of Enlightenment.

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- Kings were untoucheble

- France also had a king, but the people began to feel more and more dissatisfied with that. 

- Eventually Revolution!! But how did it get so far??

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The French estate system
France had a estate system (klassen systeem): A system where the population is divided into estates with their own rights and duties.

First estate: Clergy  
Second estate: Nobility  
Third estate: rest of the people

Third estate were farmers or prominent citizens or labourers, but also the bourgeoisie. 

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First two estates had many privileges:
- Only nobleman could become army officers
- Did not had to pay taxes to the king 

Only the third estate had to pay taxes. Not only directly but also over the price of food, which made life very expensive

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What to do now?
- Work on another subject?

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