Nov 9 - P1 - 1enB klas C en D

To do:
  • Place your namesign in front of you
  • Find a seat
  •  Head phone/earbuds/air pods/etc in the bag
  • KEEP BOOKS + LAPTOP IN THE BAG (you only need your pencil case = etui + notebook)
  •  Chewing gum in the trashcan
  • Phone in the bag

What do these words mean in Dutch? Write them down on your piece of paper:
1. classmate, 2. verb, 3. the past, 4. terrible, 5. exercise

1 / 14
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo lwoo, havoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 14 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

To do:
  • Place your namesign in front of you
  • Find a seat
  •  Head phone/earbuds/air pods/etc in the bag
  • KEEP BOOKS + LAPTOP IN THE BAG (you only need your pencil case = etui + notebook)
  •  Chewing gum in the trashcan
  • Phone in the bag

What do these words mean in Dutch? Write them down on your piece of paper:
1. classmate, 2. verb, 3. the past, 4. terrible, 5. exercise


Slide 1 - Slide


About the test
Practice for the test
Task preparation 

Slide 2 - Slide


I know how to take notes when listening to an audio fragment/watching a clip

 I have survived a practice test

I know what to do for the task

Slide 3 - Slide

Test: Listening 1 (luisteren)
Wanneer: Monday, 13th of November.
Wat: verschillende oefeningen (open en meerkeuze vragen) en luister fragmenten.
Waarover: muziek en muziek festivals
Hoe kan je oefenen?

Slide 4 - Slide

Listening practice!

Slide 5 - Slide

We nemen de toets door

Slide 6 - Slide

Link to fragment

Slide 7 - Slide

Link to fragment

Slide 8 - Slide

Let's check some answers! Fragment 1
Part 1
Question 1 - False.
Question 2 - False.
Question 3 - True.
Question 4 - True.
Question 5 - False.
Question 6 - False.
Question 7 - False.

Part 2

Question 1 -  Three to five
Question 2 - I do it quite often
Question 3 - Quite often
Question 4 - Some good advice

Slide 9 - Slide

Hoe kom ik tot een cijfer?

Slide 10 - Slide

Task preperation
Wat moest er allemaal in?

  1. Location: where the music event is going to take place.
  2. Date: the day or days the music event is going to take place.
  3. Time: at what time the music event is going to start and finish.
  4. Ticket price: how much it is going to cost.
  5. Line-up: the names of the artists and the singers.
  6. Travel directions: how to get to the event location.
  7. Type of event: a promotional text on the back of the flyer (75-100 words).
  8. Design and illustration. the flyer looks attractive.
Op het kaartje:
Schrijf op wat je al goed begrijpt
wat je een beetje begrijpt
wat je totaal nog niet begrijpt

Slide 11 - Slide

Wat kan je gebruiken
- Papier met stiften, etc.
- Word
- Canva

Slide 12 - Slide

Study words page 22 + 23 (de hele lijst)
Bij veel maybe + no op je leerdoelenkaart, extra oefening maken
Ga ook lekker wat filmpjes, series, etc. in het Engels kijken met Engelse ondertiteling ter voorbereiding voor de toets

Slide 13 - Slide

Thank you for paying attention!

Slide 14 - Slide