Jan 24 - T3 - Yr 2

To do:
  • Find a seat
  • Take off your coat, take off your hats and head phone/earbuds
  •  Chewing gum  in the trashcan
  • Phone in the bag
  • Take out your books for English

At the front are A3 sized papers, 
write down your group + write down what book you want to read

1 / 17
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 17 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

To do:
  • Find a seat
  • Take off your coat, take off your hats and head phone/earbuds
  •  Chewing gum  in the trashcan
  • Phone in the bag
  • Take out your books for English

At the front are A3 sized papers, 
write down your group + write down what book you want to read


Slide 1 - Slide

Recap of last week!
- What did we do?
- What are we going to do this term?

Slide 2 - Slide

Goals for today
I can summarize what is expected me for the speaking test

I can use the right words to compare things

Slide 3 - Slide

Groups have been made
Dealing with the books

Slide 4 - Slide

Suggestions for talking more English?

Slide 5 - Slide

Grammar: comparing things
What: Stand up and form 2 groups and stand in a row
In a moment you need to change the order of the row based on a certain detail.

Slide 6 - Slide

Grammar: comparing things
Form a row in order from 
small to tall

Slide 7 - Slide

Grammar: comparing things
Form a row in order from 
distance to school (meaning from where you live)

Slide 8 - Slide

Grammar: comparing things
Form a row in order from dark to light (clothes)

Slide 9 - Slide

Grammar: comparing things
Form a row in order from how many languages you can speak (even a bit)

Slide 10 - Slide

You may return to your seat!

Slide 11 - Slide

When comparing things:
how do we say/write that
in English?

Slide 12 - Slide

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord

Zegt iets over:
- Zelfst. naamwoord
(persoon, dier ding)

(zin met vorm van to be = altijd adjective)


Zegt iets over:
- werkwoord
- bijvoegelijk naamwoord
- bijwoord

Slide 13 - Slide

Basis = eindigt vaak op 
-ing of -ed
I was bored
The lesson was boring

Basis = adjective +ly

never, perhaps, always

Slide 14 - Slide

Homework for Tue. 31th of Jan 
4A (page 42 + 43); 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7
4B (page 44 + 45); 3, 4, 7, 8, 9

PS. If you get stuck with the adverbs, adjectives and the comparisons there are youtube clips + helpful websites if you need extra help or explaining!

Slide 15 - Slide

Book time!
in an ORDERLY fashion, per group 
come pick up your books

Slide 16 - Slide

Thank you for paying attention!
All chairs 
on the tables, please!

Slide 17 - Slide