How did you resolve the conflict of your homework assignment?
cooperating with others
exchaniging ideas
other solution
listen carefully
sharing ideas
speaking before thinking
talking about problems
Slide 28 - Poll
Identify the top 5 strategies that will help you when you are working in class
or in pairs?
Slide 29 - Slide
What advice would you give to the father about dealing with the conflict with his son?
Work cooperatively in your group to find the best solution?
Slide 30 - Slide
What advice would you give to the father about dealing with the conflict with his son? Use your top 5 solutions.
Slide 31 - Open question
One question you still have about today's lesson?
Slide 32 - Open question
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Resolving conflict
Lesson 2
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What is the connection between a fact and a opinion?
How does our understanding change when we see things from another point of view.
Why is it important to use empathy to understand conflict?
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vocabulary check
homework assignment: Three brothers and a wise man
ways to solve conflict : brainstorm
homework next class : video assignment
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Which word is described ?
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Which word is described ?
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point of view
to connect
to resolve
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Resolving conflict
Conflict happens when two people disagree based on their own goals, values, or beliefs. It's not always as simple as an argument. Rather, conflict is what happens right before the argument; it's what the participants disagree about before they start calling each other names.
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Which word is described ?
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Describe: empathy
Slide 43 - Open question
Describe: fair
Slide 44 - Open question
What advice would you give to the father about dealing with the conflict with his son?
Identify the best solution.
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The best solution
Slide 46 - Open question
Upload your story
read this story
make sure you understand the vocabulary, make a list of 8 words with translation in Dutch/English
make sure you understand the meaning
be prepared to answer questions in class
Slide 47 - Slide
How would you solve the problem?
Slide 48 - Mind map
Upload your story
Identify the way(s) the wise woman resolved the conflict.