Writing 1 - formal devel.

Today's session
- Discuss programme for this year
- Writing:
   - Sentence structure
   - Formal standard sentences
   - Letter structure
42. I can write about aspects of my everyday life in simple phrases and sentences (people, places, job, school, family, hobbies).

45. I can write a short letter using simple expressions for greeting, addressing, asking or thanking somebody

46. I can write simple sentences, connecting them with words such as “and”, “but”, “because”
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EngelsMBOStudiejaar 3

This lesson contains 28 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

Today's session
- Discuss programme for this year
- Writing:
   - Sentence structure
   - Formal standard sentences
   - Letter structure
42. I can write about aspects of my everyday life in simple phrases and sentences (people, places, job, school, family, hobbies).

45. I can write a short letter using simple expressions for greeting, addressing, asking or thanking somebody

46. I can write simple sentences, connecting them with words such as “and”, “but”, “because”

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The rest of this year
P3: Writing: two lessons, third lesson is exam
P4: speaking/conversations: two lessons, then exams

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Lesson 1: formal writing
Lesson 2: filling in forms, informal writing
Lesson 3: repetition + exam 

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Click this link. Compare the two emails. 
Then make rules about what a good email should look like.

You can click the images to make the letters larger.

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Studenten kunnen vergelijken in de sway of de brieven kunnen geprint worden. 
Foundations for a good email:

Slide 6 - Open question

Dit kan ook met flip-overs gedaan worden.
Foundations for a good email
1. Salutations 
2. Paragraphs
3. Spelling  (I (ik) always upper case)
4. Punctuation
5. Use of language

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How do you start an email? (dag, geachte, hoi, etc)

Slide 8 - Open question

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Salutations - start
Dear Judy, (comma)
Dear Ms, 
Dear Sir/Madam,
Always try to find a name, position, get creative: Dear hiring manager, Dear future colleage.

Hi, someone you know, informal but not too friendly
Anything else, strictly friends etc.: hiya, hey, 

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How do you end an email (vriendelijke groet, groetjes etc)

Slide 10 - Open question

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Salutations - end
Kind regards,  : standard, always a safe option
Regards,   : when you don't like the person
Thanks again,   :(repeated work email)

Informal: Cheers, Bye

Never!! greetings/greets

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In the following slide you see a short email. There are some mistakes. Improve the email and send it in.
Make sure you stick to the five foundations of writing a good email.

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dear judy. I saw that subway germany now has a chicken fajita sandwich. I think we
should also have this in the Netherlands. Can you and i do a work visit to Germany
together. Then we can taste the sandwich. We can ask them about they're experience.
Yesterday there was a complaint about the allergy information on the menu. We need
to contact the head office about this. See you tomorrow. Greetz Peter.

Slide 13 - Open question

Dear Judy: capital letters
Germany: capital letter
question mark after together
They're: their
Yesterday.... nieuwe alinea

Look at the following sentences from the email. What do they have in common and what is different.

1. My name is Tim
2. I currently go to college at SVO
3. I work at butcher shop “het krulstaartje”
1. I have worked there for five years
2. I have competed in five so far this year
3. I have done several internships in the Netherlands 

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Present simple vs. present perfect
Present simple
Used to talk about facts and habits
WW stam, he/she/it +s

- I like to read books
- he likes to read books
- they go to school from mo-fr

Present perfect
Used to talk about things that started in the past and are still going on
have/has + verleden tijd

- I have read five books so far this year
- He has read only two
- I have worked here since 2020

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Where do you work? I .... at McDonalds!
have worked

Slide 16 - Quiz

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I .... there since 2012
have worked

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At this hotel, breakfast .... ready every morning at 8AM
has been

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I .... to China, but I might go next year
didn't go
have never been

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I ..... a fan of him since he was 15.
have been

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I ..... to see this movie, it looks good!
have wanted

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He ... quite close to the station, so I don;t think he'll want to move any time soon.
has lived

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He .... the same car for over 20 years and he want to drive it for another 10.
has driven

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Conjunctions (linking words)
To make your writing more natural, use these five words which connect ideas.
And: uitbreiding, "en"
     - We went to the beach and loved it cause it was so sunny!
But: tegenstelling "maar".
      - We went to the beach, but the water was too cold for swimming
Although tegenstelling "hoewel".
      - Although it was raining, we went to the beach anyway
Because: reden "omdat"
     - We went to the beach because it was a sunny day
So: gevolg "dus"
     - It was a sunny day so we went to the beach.

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Do the following exercise to practise. Write the answers down, then we discuss. 

Click here

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This sheet can also be printed
Writing your own
Click this link for the assignment. Write it as an email and send it to me: g.havinga@svo.nl

If you have a dictionary, use that. Otherwise you can use translate, but only for words! Not for whole sentences!

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Rounding off
What was new for you? What was something you already knew but was useful to repeat? Anything else...

Slide 27 - Open question

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Homework / study materials
Do the following assignment before the next lesson. Look up words that you don’t know. When finished, you can send it to your teacher (click the button under the form). Job application form <- click here

If you want to practise your writing more, see document in teams:
English -> Documents -> Writing -> Lessons and information for writing exam

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