1. What impression do you get of the soldiers from reading the first verse? Why did they look like “beggars under sacks”?
2. Where were they going and why did they not hear the gas shells?
3. Describe what happens in lines 9-16.
4. What does Owen compare the dying man to (l.11-16)? What terms does he use to describe his death?
5. What did the soldiers do with their gassed comrade? What picture does Owen ask the reader to visualize in lines 18-24?
6. Explain the contrast in “desperate glory”.
7. What is “the old lie” and why does he use the word “old”?
8. When you read the title of this poem, what did you think it would be about?
9. Why, do you think, did Owen only use the first half of this quotation in the title and the full quotation in the last line?
10. What, do you think, was Owens purpose in writing this poem