Unit 4 Life's opportunities week 5

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo, mavo, havo, vwoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 25 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

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Slide 1 - Slide

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Language Acquisition
Unit #: 4
Learner Profile: ....
ATL: ....
Social and Communication skills
Related concepts: ....
Message and Audience

Messages are the information speakers and writers communicate to their audience. 

Audience are the people the message or information is meant for. Audiences can be readers, listeners or viewers.
Key concept: ....

Connections are links and relationships between people, objects and ideas. In this unit we think about the way people are connected to the society they live in. 

Connections are also central to the relationship bewteen speaker and audience and writer and reader. 
Statement of Inquiry: We can use language to describe and realise our personal ambitions and define ways to help others using our talents. 
Global context: ....
Personal and Cultural expression

What is the nature and purpose of creative expression?

In this unit we are exploring the ways we can look at our situation and overcome problems and achieve our goals. We will also look at ways we can use our skills and talents to help others make the most of their oppertunities. 

Slide 2 - Slide

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Enter as many words from the
glossary list you remember:

Slide 3 - Mind map

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  • What do you know?
  • Lesson goals
  • Instruction
  • Get to work
  • Reflection / check lesson goals

Slide 4 - Slide

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Overview Period 4
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
-Introduction unit 4
-express ideas and feelings from comparisons

- vocabulary
- reading comprehension
- justify your answers by connecting  evidence

- vocabulary
- gather and organize information
- write a description
- vocabulary
- reading comprehension
- thinking and communication skills
FA Toddle
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
- vocabulary
- reading comprehension
- thinking and communication skills

SA Toddle

Slide 5 - Slide

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Thinking and communication skills
Discuss this picture.

In groups imagine what might has happened to the boy. Share your ideas with the class.

Ask yourself a series of questions about the boy. Make a list and answer your own questions. 

Make guesses. Use your imagination. 

Slide 6 - Slide

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What can be
'barriers of success':

Slide 7 - Mind map

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How difficult is it to achieve our ambition?
Children who grow up in poverty, like the young Michael Oher, have to overcome a huge number of barriers to success. 
Here is a list of such problems: 

Slide 8 - Slide

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  • You can analyse and evaluate main ideas and supporting details and draw conclusions
  • You can gather and organize information 
  • Write and or speak using a range of vocabulary. grammar and conventions; when speaking use clear pronunciation.


Slide 9 - Slide

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Meaning of Text 
In the text are 5 headings marked A-E. 
Here are 8 headings. Do you understand the meaning? 
Show your understanding of the headings. 

Slide 10 - Slide

6. Actieve verwerking
De docent maakt expliciet over hoe de leerstof actief verwerkt dient te worden. Hierbij modelleert de docent eerst en laat daarna de leerlingen actief inoefenen. De ondersteuning wordt geleidelijk afgebouwd en leerlingen worden steeds zelfstandiger. De docent zorgt voor afwisseling in oefentypes en maakt gedurende de les het leren zichtbaar. De docent zet bijvoorbeeld in op hardop denken opdrachten en koppelt daar een geïnformeerde vervolgstap aan.

Slide 11 - Slide

6. Actieve verwerking
De docent maakt expliciet over hoe de leerstof actief verwerkt dient te worden. Hierbij modelleert de docent eerst en laat daarna de leerlingen actief inoefenen. De ondersteuning wordt geleidelijk afgebouwd en leerlingen worden steeds zelfstandiger. De docent zorgt voor afwisseling in oefentypes en maakt gedurende de les het leren zichtbaar. De docent zet bijvoorbeeld in op hardop denken opdrachten en koppelt daar een geïnformeerde vervolgstap aan.

Maslow said that hunger..

prevents learning
makes learning difficult
does not matter
makes us learn well

Slide 12 - Quiz

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According to this text, safety needs to include protection from:
danger, hunger and violence
violence, war, thirst
sleep, hunger, warmth
violence, bad weather, and danger

Slide 13 - Quiz

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According to parapragh C, our need to belong to a family and to a group:
helps us to learn from others.
makes us ambitious.
gives us good friends.
gives us a great future.

Slide 14 - Quiz

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According to parapragh D, if we have high self-esteem we can
make friends easily.
understand our lessons without difficulty.
deal with difficulties.
tell the difference beteen right and wrong.

Slide 15 - Quiz

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According to parapragh E, self-actualization means:
we can become high earners.
we can achieve our personal goals.
we will be self-satisfied.
we can do any job we want.

Slide 16 - Quiz

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According to parapragh E, transcendance involves:
travelling the world.
trying to make the world a better place.
being childish.
knowning more than anyone else.

Slide 17 - Quiz

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Slide 18 - Slide

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Slide 19 - Video

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Watch the video 
Make sure you understand the content of the video.
Take notes (Cornell), pause, look up information.

Make sure you can explain what the video is about to your classmates.
Explain the video in your own words in English.

Talk for at least 2 minutes.

Slide 20 - Slide

6. Actieve verwerking
De docent maakt expliciet over hoe de leerstof actief verwerkt dient te worden. Hierbij modelleert de docent eerst en laat daarna de leerlingen actief inoefenen. De ondersteuning wordt geleidelijk afgebouwd en leerlingen worden steeds zelfstandiger. De docent zorgt voor afwisseling in oefentypes en maakt gedurende de les het leren zichtbaar. De docent zet bijvoorbeeld in op hardop denken opdrachten en koppelt daar een geïnformeerde vervolgstap aan.


Slide 21 - Slide

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Language Acquisition
Unit #: 4
Learner Profile: ....
ATL: ....
Social and Communication skills
Related concepts: ....
Message and Audience

Messages are the information speakers and writers communicate to their audience. 

Audience are the people the message or information is meant for. Audiences can be readers, listeners or viewers.
Key concept: ....

Connections are links and relationships between people, objects and ideas. In this unit we think about the way people are connected to the society they live in. 

Connections are also central to the relationship bewteen speaker and audience and writer and reader. 
Statement of Inquiry: We can use language to describe and realise our personal ambitions and define ways to help others using our talents. 
Global context: ....
Personal and Cultural expression

What is the nature and purpose of creative expression?

In this unit we are exploring the ways we can look at our situation and overcome problems and achieve our goals. We will also look at ways we can use our skills and talents to help others make the most of their oppertunities. 

Slide 22 - Slide

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How was today's class connected to learning?

Slide 23 - Poll

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Slide 24 - Slide

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Next class:

  • study the words from the glossary list (week 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5)
  • present your talk on 'Maslow's hierarchy of needs'

Slide 25 - Slide

8. Afsluiting
De docent controleert in de slotfase van de les of de leerdoelen door alle leerlingen behaald zijn en plaatst de les in de context van de betreffende Unit. De docent evalueert samen met de leerlingen het leren en het gedrag op basis van het Learner Profile en de ATL-skills. Dit wordt vastgelegd in Toddle. Samen blikken docent en leerlingen vooruit aan de hand van de JdW-planner.