This lesson contains 36 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.
Lesson duration is: 45 min
Items in this lesson
Trap recap
Slide 1 - Slide
After this lesson you can...
Use the TRAP grammar in sentences you thought of yourself!
fill in the right grammar form into a sentence.
Slide 2 - Slide
To do list
Picture game
Grammar recap + questions
your super hero life
self study
Slide 3 - Slide
Subject pronouns
Slide 4 - Slide
List the subject pronouns
Slide 5 - Open question
What are the subject pronouns?
Subject betekend ook wel onderwerp.
(en vak/schoolvak, maar dat terzijde)
Als een subject pronoun in de zin staat, is dat het onderwerp. Het geeft aan over wie of wat de zin gaat!
Slide 6 - Slide
_______ Is walking down the street
Slide 7 - Quiz
____ are playing tennis over there.
Slide 8 - Quiz
What is the person next to you doing right now? Use a subject pronoun. (Maak een hele zin)
Slide 9 - Open question
Slide 10 - Slide
What do we use it for
The = specifiek
a/an = iets niet specifieks
Slide 11 - Slide
I love ____ H&M on Elmsstreet.
Slide 12 - Quiz
A or An?
A : wanneer het volgende woord klinkt alsof het begint met een klinker (a,e,ouie)
An: wanneer het klinkt alsof het begint met een medeklinker (m,b,c,v, -etc)
Example: A European country
Slide 13 - Slide
There is ___ apple tree in the forest
Slide 14 - Quiz
Present simple
Slide 15 - Slide
What do we use it for
general facts:
Water is wet.
She always bites her nails.
schedules and future arrangements
I play football every Tuesday evening.
Slide 16 - Slide
Wie weet nog hoe je de present simple maakt?
Er zat een speciale regel aan vast...
Slide 17 - Slide
shit rule
He, she, it: shitregel!
> stam van het woord +s
De rest: gewoon stam van het woord
Slide 18 - Slide
Present simple
to walk
I walk to the mall
you walk to the mall
she walksto the mall
it walksto the mall
they walk to the mall
Slide 19 - Slide
Uitzondering op de shit-regel:
1. als je werkwoord op een s-klank eindigt
(zoals: finish),> + es (finishes)
2. als je werkwoord op een ‘y’ eindigt (zoals fly), dan vervalt de y en krijg je
+ ies (flies)
3. het werkwoord ‘go’ wordt bij he/she/it goes
4. het werkwoord ‘do’ wordt bij he/she/it does
Slide 20 - Slide
Think of a verb, fill in the correct form: He ______ every day, at 2 o'clock.
Slide 21 - Mind map
What is something you do every day? (Answer an entire sentence)
Slide 22 - Open question
Bij to be en to have werkt de shitregel niet... Waarom?
Slide 23 - Slide
To be
I am happy
you are happy
He/she/it is happy
you are happy
we are happy
they are happy
to have
I have a book
You have a book
he/she/it has a book
you have a book
we have a book
they have a book.
Slide 24 - Slide
Sheila____ my favorite film on CD! She _____ my best friend.
Has - is
Has - have
is - has
Have - are
Slide 25 - Quiz
Spot the mistakes.
every monday i eat a sandwich. Only during december i eat something else. that is because it is Christmas then. on tuesdays i used to babysit my mom's dog. Not anymore. they died in september.
Slide 26 - Slide
Spot the mistakes.
Every Monday I eat a sandwich. Only during December I eat something else. That is because it is Christmas then.
On Tuesdays I used to babysit my mom's dog.
Not anymore though. It died in September.
Slide 27 - Slide
Secret superhero
Slide 28 - Slide
You are a superhero! What is your superpower?
Slide 29 - Open question
What color/colors is your suit?
Slide 30 - Open question
On which day of the week are you a superhero in secret?
Slide 31 - Open question
What weapon do you have to protect yourself?
Slide 32 - Open question
You have two super-pets who help you. What are their names? What do they look like?
Slide 33 - Open question
Well done! If you can be a superhero, I am sure the TRAP will be super easy for you ;)
Slide 34 - Slide
Chapter 1: blz 82-83 (En-Ne + Ne-En)
Subject pronouns
present simple (+ to be/to have)
Slide 35 - Slide
After this lesson you can...
Use the TRAP grammar in sentences you thought of yourself!