Mastering the Art of Writing Informal Emails

Week 35, Lesson 2

Homework: ex.2,3,4,5,6

Writing Informal Emails
1 / 52
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 5

This lesson contains 52 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Week 35, Lesson 2

Homework: ex.2,3,4,5,6

Writing Informal Emails

Slide 1 - Slide

Week 35, Lesson 3, Learning Targets 
You understand the structure of an informal emails and are able to write one on your own.
  • HW  check,
  • Informal email analysis based on the rubric in the Writing syllabus
  • Start writing 2. informal email and submit it via MagisterLearn 
  • Peer feedback  2. informal email based on the Writing syllabus rubric.. Submit it via MagisterLearn.

Slide 2 - Slide

Week 36, Lesson 1
  • What did we do in the last lesson?
  • What was today's homework?

Slide 3 - Slide

Week 36 Lesson 1, Learning Targets 
WR Unusual jobs
You understand reading strategies and can apply these when reading the article. You familiarize yourself with exam questions ( true/false, wel/niet)
  • HW  check
  • Short WR vocab. quiz - LessonUp
  • Types of reading  and reading strategies 
  • Do assignments 9-13 ( Hw. assignments 9-13, study vocab.)
  • Optional assignment 14 & 15

Slide 4 - Slide

Write Dutch translation for the following words: petrified, betrayed, exposing, release, distant, instantly, held to account, by chance

Slide 5 - Mind map

What do you already know about different types of reading and reading strategies?

Slide 6 - Mind map

Types of reading
Globaal lezen: Dit is het snel doorlezen van een tekst om een algemeen idee te krijgen van de inhoud en de hoofdpunten. Het doel is om te begrijpen waar de tekst over gaat zonder in te gaan op details. Je leest bijvoorbeeld de inleiding, de eerste en laatste zinnen van alinea’s en de conclusie.

Oriënterend lezen: Dit houdt in dat je de tekst oppervlakkig bekijkt voordat je begint met lezen, om te bepalen of de tekst relevant is voor jouw doel. Je let op de titel, tussenkopjes, afbeeldingen, bijschriften, en vetgedrukte woorden om een eerste indruk te krijgen van het onderwerp en de structuur van de tekst.

Intensief lezen: Dit is het grondig en nauwkeurig lezen van een tekst om alle details te begrijpen. Het doel is om diepgaande kennis te krijgen van de inhoud, inclusief argumenten, voorbeelden en specifieke informatie. Dit type lezen wordt vaak gebruikt voor studie- en onderzoeksdoeleinden.

Slide 7 - Slide

Intensief lezen

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Week 36, Lesson 2
  • What did we do in the last lesson?
  • What was today's homework?

Slide 9 - Slide

Week 36, Lesson 2, Learning Targets 
You understand the structure of a formail email and  you are able to write formal emails on your own.
  • HW  check- discuss (assignment, 10, 11, 12)
  • Structure and the key elements  of a formal email
  • Start writing a formal email  2.1 and submit it via MagisterLearn 
  • Homework  2. 1 formal  email based on the Writing syllabus rubric.. Submit it via MagisterLearn.

Slide 10 - Slide

Week 36, Lesson 2, Learning Targets
OC -booklet p.33-34 (MagisterLearn)
Structure of a formal email & key elements.
  1. Subject line
  2. Salutation  ( Dear Sir/ Madam,  Dear Mr Brown, Dear Ms/MIss? Mrs Thompshon)
  3. Opening paragraph
  4. Body
  5. Closing paragraph
  6. Closing salutation (Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely)
  7. Word count
  8. Content

Important: use formal lanugage and spacing, no contractions ( samentrekkingen) don't

Slide 11 - Slide

Week 36, Lesson 2
  • What did we do in the last lesson?
  • What was today's homework?

Slide 12 - Slide

Week 36, Lesson 2, Learning Targets 
You understand the structure of a formai letter  and  you are able to write formal  letters  on your own.
Important: Phrases form yesterdays class:
  • HW  check- formal email analysis - whole class
  • Structure and the key elements  of a formal letter
  • Start writing a formal email  2.1 and submit it via MagisterLearn 
  • Homework  2. 2 formal  letter based on the Writing syllabus rubric.. Submit it via MagisterLearn.

Slide 13 - Slide

Phrases - no contractions in formal emails and letters
  1. I am writing with  reference  to my recent efforts to contact your customer service team by phone, I couldn't reach anyone to discuss an urgent issue with my purchase.
I am writing with reference - Ik schrijf aan aanleiding ..van

Ik schrijf naar aanleidingen van mijn recente pogingen om telefonisch contact op te nemen met uw klantenservice. Ik kon niemand bereiken om een dringend probleem met mijn aankoop te bespreken

Slide 14 - Slide

Week 36, Lesson 2, Learning Targets
OC -booklet p.32,33, 34 (MagisterLearn)
Structure of a formal letter & key elements.
  1. Your address (without name)
  2.  Date - 25 September 2024 or September 2025, 2024
  3. Recipient's name and address
  4. Salutations
  5. Body
  6. Closing
  7. Signature and full name
  8. Word count
  9. Content

Important: use formal lanugage and spacing, no contractions ( samentrekkingen) don't

Slide 15 - Slide

  1. Your address (without name)
  2.  Date - 25 September 2024 or September 2025, 2024
  3. Recipient's name and address  ( British adresses!!!) ( outward code/ inward code)
XYZ Corporation
attn. Mr John Sith
456 Park Lane
London, W1A 2BC
United Kingdom
"W" stands for the western part of Central London, and "1A" further narrows it down to a particular area or street

Important: use formal lanugage and spacing, no contractions ( samentrekkingen) don't

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Week 37, Lesson 1
  • What did we do in the last lesson?
  • What was today's homework?

Get your WR ready

Slide 17 - Slide

Week 37 Lesson 1, Learning Targets 
WR Raye is making moves
You understand  gapped text strategy .You familiarize yourself with exam questions ( true/false, wel/niet) and expand your vocabulary
  • HW  check 1
  • Gapped text, true/false questions
  • Do assignments  25-28 
  • Hw  WR assignments 25-28 
  • Reflection

Slide 18 - Slide

Gapped text strategy

  • Focus on the first and last line of each paragraph. Read the first and the last sentence before and after a gap.
  •  Look for  linking words ( however, although)
  • Look for pronouns or reference ( signal words)  ( If a gapped paragraph mentions "they," skim the preceding paragraphs to see what "they" could be referring to.)
  • Look for a similar context
  • Add a paragraph and reread to check if it  fits. (Once you think you’ve found a paragraph double check it. If something feels off,  you must look for another answer.

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Week 37, Lesson 2
  • What did we do in the last lesson?
  • What was today's homework?

Get your Writing syllabus ready

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Week 37 Lesson 2, Learning Targets 
Writing a review
You understand  the key elements of an review and are able to write one of your own.
  • HW  check 
  •  Teacher /Peer feedback - Review
  • Key elements of  an article 
  • Hw  Writing syllabus 3.2  Article- submit via MagisterLearn
  • Reflection _ LessonUp


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Week 37, Lesson 3
  • What did we do in the last lesson?
  • What was today's homework?

Get your Writing syllabus ready

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Week 37 Lesson 3 

You understand  the key elements of an article  and are able to write one of your own.
  • Hw check 
  • Peer feedback - Review
  • Clear, engaging title - The Power of Social Media: Are We Really Connected?
  •  Engaging introduction - Hook ! Can you imagine a world without Instagram or TikTok? These platforms have become such a big part of our daily lives. Does social media really make us feel more connected—or is it just an illusion?"
  • Body
  • Conclusion   - You may start a sentence with - In conclusion


Slide 23 - Slide

Week 37 Lesson 3, Learning Targets 
Writing a review 
Key elements of a review :
  • Strong title (catchy) Magic and Memories: Why Efteling is  a Must-Visit?A Magical Day at Efteling: Worth Every Moment 
  • Capitalization
  • Strong introduction -  Have you ever dreamed of walking into a world of fantasy? Describe what your review is about. You want to convince your audience to go there.
  • Briefly describe the reasons adn give examples. Name one point which requires improvement.
  • Finish strong - your recommendation In conclusion,,Efteling is a truly magical place. With fun rides, beautiful scenes, and a friendly vibe, it’s great for people of all ages. If you’re looking for a day full of excitement and wonder, Efteling is definitely worth a visit. I highly recommend it
Frequently used phrases 5.3 p.14
HW Writing syllabus - do 3.1  

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Week 38, Lesson 1
  • What did we do in the last lesson?
  • What was today's homework?
  • Get your WR ready

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Week 38 Lesson 1,
Learning Targets: Reading comprehension, exam preparation. Understanding different strategies : skimming,  intensive reading, true or false  statements ( Pay attention to the language)
  • HW  check - Assignment 26 (Raye is making moves)
  • Revise the strategies (gapped text)
  •  Wht do you know about BIgorexia,                                                                                   
  •  Read the article and do the assignments. When finished summarize the article.  31-35, Optional - 36

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Week 38, Lesson 2
  • What did we do in the last lesson?
  • What was today's homework? WR ready!
  • Get your Writing syllabus ready!

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Week 38 Lesson 2 

You understand  the key elements of  an  article  and are able to write one of your own.
  • Hw check - WR assignment 32, 33
  • Know your target audience
  • Clear, engaging title - The Power of Social Media: Are We Really Connected?
  • Engaging introduction - Hook ! Can you imagine a world without Instagram or TikTok? These platforms have become such a big part of our daily lives. Does social media really make us feel more connected—or is it just an illusion?"Thesis
  • Body
  • Conclusion   - You may start a sentence with - In conclusion
  • Linking words
  • Writing syllabus- Do 3.2 p.9


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Week 38 Lesson 2, Learning Targets 
Writing an article
:Before you begin writing it is important to consider:​

  • Where is the article going to appear - in a newspaper or magazine?​
  • Who are the intended readers - a specific group such as students or teenagers, or adults in general?​
  • What is the aim of the article - to advise, suggest, inform, compare and contrast, describe, etc.?

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Week 38, Lesson 2
  • What did we do in the last lesson?
  • What was today's homework? WR ready!
  • Get your Writing syllabus ready!

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Week 38 Lesson 2 
Review /Article (5H1)

You understand  the key elements of a review and an  article  and are able to write them/analyze them your own.
  • Hw check - WR assignments 32 & 33. submitted article due Monday
  • Key elements of the article/review?
  • Writing syllabus: 3.2 studnets who didn't submit their homework yesterday
  • Peer feedback: Article or Review?
  • Review  Write the address correctly
  • Create check lists


Slide 31 - Slide

Key elements of a review :
  • Strong title (catchy) Magic and Memories: Why Efteling is  a Must-Visit?A Magical Day at Efteling: Worth Every Moment 
  • Capitalization
  • Strong introduction -  Have you ever dreamed of walking into a world of fantasy? Describe what your review is about. You want to convince your audience to go there.
  • Briefly describe the reasons and give examples. Name one point which requires improvement.
  • Finish strong - your recommendation In conclusion,,Efteling is a truly magical place. With fun rides, beautiful scenes, and a friendly vibe, it’s great for people of all ages. If you’re looking for a day full of excitement and wonder, Efteling is definitely worth a visit. I highly recommend it
Frequently used phrases 5.3 p.14
HW Writing syllabus - do 3.1  

Slide 32 - Slide

Week 38 Lesson 2 

You understand  the key elements of  an  article  and are able to write one of your own.
  • Hw check - WR assignment 32, 33
  • Know your target audience
  • Clear, engaging title - The Power of Social Media: Are We Really Connected?
  • Engaging introduction - Hook ! Can you imagine a world without Instagram or TikTok? These platforms have become such a big part of our daily lives. Does social media really make us feel more connected—or is it just an illusion?"Thesis
  • Body
  • Conclusion   - You may start a sentence with - In conclusion
  • Linking words
  • Writing syllabus- Do 3.2 p.9


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Week 38, Lesson 3
  • What did we do in the last lesson?
  • What was today's homework? 
  • Get your Writing syllabus ready!

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Week 38 Lesson 3

You understand  the  format of an argumentative essay and you are able to write your own outline.
  • Hw check - 3.2 Article
  • What is an  argumentative essay? focus on  logical reasoning and evidence.
  • Writing syllabus- p.10
  • Essay outline 10/11 higlight the most important parts
  • Write an essay outline :
  • Title,
  •   Introduction ( including your thesis statement.
  • . Body paragraph 1,( First of all)
  • Body paragraph 2  (Moreover)
  • Counterclaim ( However) & rebuttal (Yet)
  • ,Conclusion ( In conclusion)

Slide 35 - Slide

What do you already know about writing informal emails?

Slide 36 - Mind map

Gapped text strategy

  • Focus on the first and last line of each paragraph. Read the first and the last sentence before and after a gap.
  •  Look for  linking words ( however, although)
  • Look for pronouns or reference ( signal words)  ( If a gapped paragraph mentions "they," skim the preceding paragraphs to see what "they" could be referring to.)
  • Look for a similar context
  • Add a paragraph and reread to check if it  fits. (Once you think you’ve found a paragraph double check it. If something feels off,  you must look for another answer.

Slide 37 - Slide

Write down 3 things you learned in this lesson.

Slide 38 - Open question

Write down 2 things you want to know more about.

Slide 39 - Open question

Ask 1 question about something you haven't quite understood yet.

Slide 40 - Open question

Week 36, Lesson 2, Learning Targets
OC -booklet p.33-34 (MagisterLearn)
Structure of a formal email & key elements.
  1. Subject line
  2. Salutation  ( Dear Sir/ Madam,  Dear Mr Brown, Dear Ms/MIss? Mrs Thompshon)
  3. Opening paragraph
  4. Body
  5. Closing paragraph
  6. Closing salutation (Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely)
  7. Word count
  8. Content

Important: use formal lanugage and spacing, no contractions ( samentrekkingen) don't

Slide 41 - Slide

  1. I am writing with  reference  to my recent efforts to contact your customer service team by phone, I couldn't reach anyone to discuss an urgent issue with my purchase.
I am writing with reference - Ik schrijf aan aanleiding ..van

Ik schrijf naar aanleidingen van mijn recente pogingen om telefonisch contact op te nemen met uw klantenservice. Ik kon niemand bereiken om een dringend probleem met mijn aankoop te bespreken

Slide 42 - Slide

Week 36, Lesson 3, Learning Targets 
You understand the structure of an informal emails and are able to write one on your own.
  • HW  check,
  • Informal email analysis based on the rubric in the Writing syllabus
  • Start writing 2. informal email and submit it via MagisterLearn 
  • Peer feedback  2. informal email based on the Writing syllabus rubric.. Submit it via MagisterLearn.

Slide 43 - Slide

Week 36, Lesson 3, Learning Targets 
You understand the structure of an informal emails and are able to write one on your own.
  • HW  check,
  • Informal email analysis based on the rubric in the Writing syllabus
  • Start writing 2. informal email and submit it via MagisterLearn 
  • Peer feedback  2. informal email based on the Writing syllabus rubric.. Submit it via MagisterLearn.

Slide 44 - Slide

What do you already know about writing informal emails?

Slide 45 - Mind map

Write down 3 things you learned in this lesson.

Slide 46 - Open question

Write down 2 things you want to know more about.

Slide 47 - Open question

Ask 1 question about something you haven't quite understood yet.

Slide 48 - Open question

What do you already know about writing informal emails?

Slide 49 - Mind map

Structure - Check wiriting syllabus p.13
1. Subject line: Birthday party 
2. Opening
3. introduction
4. Body
5. Closing sentence
6. Goodbyes
Contractions are allowed ( isn't etc..)

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Week 35, Lesson 3
Learning targets:

Slide 51 - Slide

What do you already know about writing informal emails?

Slide 52 - Mind map