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2H UNIT 2 & Luistervaardigheid
Goodmorning/ afternoon ladies, gentlefolk
Unfortunately, I'm not well and won't be teaching today. Follow the instructions in the lesson-up. They'll guide you through the lesson today - Iona
1 / 45
Slide 1:
Middelbare school
vmbo t, havo
Leerjaar 1,2
This lesson contains
45 slides
, with
interactive quizzes
text slides
10 videos
Lesson duration is:
50 min
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Items in this lesson
Goodmorning/ afternoon ladies, gentlefolk
Unfortunately, I'm not well and won't be teaching today. Follow the instructions in the lesson-up. They'll guide you through the lesson today - Iona
Slide 1 - Slide
- Listening & Watching practise
- Eyes Open
- Irregular Verbs
Slide 2 - Slide
Watch & Listen
We're watching a video about mummies
you'll see a question and a film fragment. then answer the question a film fragment 2x.
Daarna moet je antwoorden
Slide 3 - Slide
Question 1
What language did the word ''mummy'' come from?
Slide 4 - Slide
Voorkennis vraag:
What do you know about Mummies?
Slide 5 - Open question
Slide 6 - Video
What language did the word ''mummy'' come from?
Slide 7 - Open question
Question 2
Why were mostly cats mummified?
Slide 8 - Slide
Slide 9 - Video
Why were mostly cats mummified?
Slide 10 - Open question
Question 3
Humans and animals were mummified because..
1. They might ''rise'' from the dead (weer tot leven komen)
2. They could go to heaven quicker this way
3. People believed in the afterlife (hiernamaals)
4. Their bodies would stay beautiful for if people found them.
Slide 11 - Slide
Slide 12 - Video
Humans and animals were mummified because..
1. They might ''rise'' from the dead (weer tot leven komen)
3. People believed in the afterlife (hiernamaals)
2. They could go to heaven quicker this way
4. Their bodies would stay beautiful for if people found them.
Slide 13 - Quiz
Question 4
How long does it take to mummify a person?
Slide 14 - Slide
Slide 15 - Video
How long does it take to mummify a person?
Slide 16 - Open question
Question 5
Why wasn't the heart removed?
Slide 17 - Slide
Slide 18 - Video
Why wasn't the heart removed?
Slide 19 - Open question
Question 6
Why was the body salted (met zout behandelt)?
(2 mogelijk)
1. So it wouldn't smell
2. To remove the liquids from the body
3. To store the body (opbergen)
4. To preserve the body (om het te bewaren).
Slide 20 - Slide
Slide 21 - Video
Why was the body salted (met zout behandelt)?
(2 mogelijk)
1. So it wouldn't smell
2. To remove the liquids from the body
3. To store the body (opbergen)
4. To preserve the body (om het te bewaren).
Slide 22 - Quiz
Question 7
The body was wrapped (gewikkeld) in..
A. Linnen
B. Katoen
C. Een soort toiletpapier
D. Verband
Slide 23 - Slide
Slide 24 - Video
The body was wrapped in..
een soort toiletpapier
Slide 25 - Quiz
Question 8
What did scientist do to determine(bepalen) the cause of death?
Slide 26 - Slide
Slide 27 - Video
What did scientist do to determine(bepalen) the cause of death?
Slide 28 - Open question
How did these go?
Slide 29 - Open question
Ok grab your book , p. 24
Slide 30 - Slide
Just looking at the picture, what kind of job do you think these men do?
Slide 31 - Open question
We're going to watch the video.
watch it once (1x)
then fill in the questions in exc. 2, 3 & 4
Then watch the video again to check your answers.
Slide 32 - Slide
Slide 33 - Video
Make exc. 2, 3 & 4
click ''next slide'' when finished.
Slide 34 - Slide
Slide 35 - Video
Exc. 2 answers
These people rescued miners from a Chilean mine.
1 2010
2 33
3 700
4 69
5 international
Slide 36 - Slide
Exc. 3 answers:
1 Desert
2 exit
3 Hope
4 note
5 camera
6 rescue
Slide 37 - Slide
Exc. 4 answers
2 – 4 – 6 – 1 – 5 – 3
Slide 38 - Slide
How many did you have correct?
Slide 39 - Open question
Exc. 5: past simple questions
remember: past simple questions are made with
did + entire verb
Did you eat?
didn't + entire verb
Didn't you eat?
Slide 40 - Slide
Work with a partner OR alone.
Slide 41 - Slide
The next slide will show you the first 10 verbs.. can you fill in the missing opponements?
Slide 42 - Slide
Slide 43 - Slide
Which words are missing?
Slide 44 - Open question
Work on:
- Page 101 SB
- Irregular verbs (p. 127) practise (see planner)
- Practise wordlist & verbs (Quizlet)
- Practise Listening & Watching > see folder ''Listening'' in Teams
Extra/ alternative work for students who have requested so:
See Teams
Slide 45 - Slide
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