This lesson contains 40 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 3 videos.
Items in this lesson
Chapter 3
3.4 The occupation of the Netherlands
Slide 1 - Slide
At the end of this lesson...
You can describe what the German occupation of the Netherlands was like and what consequences that had for politics, culture, economicsand daily life.
You can explain that Dutch people responded to the German occupationin various ways.
Slide 2 - Slide
What do you know already? (+- 10 min)
Explanation (+- 20 min)
Video + questions (+- 15 min)
Slide 3 - Slide
German occupation of the Netherlands
Slide 4 - Mind map
Germany attacks
10th of May 1940
On Friday morning, at 3.55, the German army attacks the poorly armed Netherlands.
there is still considerable resistance in some places, but nothing can match the force with which the germans attacked
Slide 5 - Slide
Government in exile
13th of May 1940
A large part of the Dutch government flees to Great Brittain to stay out of German hands.
From London, Queen Wilhelmina will motivate the Dutch not to give up and to fight against the occupiers.
Slide 6 - Slide
Slide 7 - Video
Slide 8 - Slide
Was the previous picture pro or anti queen Wilhelmina?
Slide 9 - Quiz
Slide 10 - Slide
The Netherlands surrenders
15th of May 1940
The Netherlands has no choice but to surrender.
In total, about 2200 people died in May 1940.
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Part of Germany
29th of May 1940
The Netherlands becomes a part of Germany: Reichskommissariat Niederlande
The Austrian Arthur Seyss-Inquart becomes Reichskommisar.
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Slide 13 - Slide
The Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging (NSB), collaborated with the Germans. It is the only political organisation that is allowed to exist.
The leader of the NSB, Anton Mussert, may call himself 'Leader of the Dutch people'. But the Germans are the ones actually in charge.
Slide 14 - Slide
Politico-administrative: German government.
Economic:Dutch men were put to work in Germany and Dutch products were also sent to Germany. This caused many shortages.
Cultural:the Germans put an end to freedom of speech and introduced censorship.
Daily life: life in wartime was tough because of the restrictions, shortages and acts of violence.
Slide 15 - Slide
You're going to watch a Dutch video about the German occupation of the Netherlands. Answer the questions during the video.
Slide 16 - Slide
Slide 17 - Video
Slide 18 - Slide
Make a glossary about the video you just watched. Use the paper with the questions. You glossary needs at least 10 words. Make sure to write the meaning of the words down as well, not just the translation.
Slide 19 - Slide
Chapter 3
3.4 The occupation of the Netherlands
Slide 20 - Slide
At the end of this lesson...
You can describe what the German occupation of the Netherlands was like and what consequences that had for politics, culture, economicsand daily life.
You can explain that Dutch people responded to the German occupationin various ways.
Slide 21 - Slide
What do you remember? (+- 10 min)
Glossary (+- 10 min)
Explanation (+- 20 min)
Slide 22 - Slide
Put the following events in the right order:
Click on the ''eye'' icons to read the events.
The Netherlands becomes a part of Germany
The Netherlands mobilises
The government goes into exile.
The Netherlands surrenders.
Germany attacks the Netherlands.
Rotterdam gets bombed by the Germans.
Slide 23 - Drag question
There are three ways one could behave during the war
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To adjust.
Most people adjusted themselves during the war. They went on with their lives the best they could.
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Two kinds:
Passive: reading illegal newspapers, listening to radio oranje, etc.
Active: helping jewish people hide, writing illegal newspapers, etc.
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Slide 27 - Video
Working with the German occupiers.
Example: joining the German army voluntarily, being part of the NSB, etc.
Slide 28 - Slide
During WW2 the NS used their trains to deport Jews.
This is collaboration
This is accommodation
This is resistance
Slide 29 - Poll
During WW2 people would sign an Aryan Declaration to prove they belonged to the Aryan race. Most people did this to keep their job.
This accommodation
This is collaboration
This is resistance.
Slide 30 - Poll
Battle of Arnhem
September 1944
The Allies want to push through to the northern part of the Netherlands, to invade Germany from there, but they are mistaken in the strength of the Germans.
To help the Allied advance, Radio Oranje calls on the railway staff to go on strike. The Germans can no longer use the railway for their war.
It also leads to food and fuel shortages...
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November 1944 - April 1945
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The Hongerwinter had a couple of causes:
It was no longer possible to supply coal from Limburg, because this part of the Netherlands had already been liberated.
In addition, the railway strike ensured that nothing was transported anymore...
...Plus the Germans retaliated by blocking the main routes to the western Netherlands.
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The system of distributing coupons/stamps , which had already been introduced in 1939, no longer works in the last phase of the war: there was simply nothing left
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The liberation
May 1945
Nowadays, the liberation of the Netherlands is celebrated on the 5th of May. But the entirety of Netherlands wasn't liberated at the same time. Sometimes it was earlier, sometimes it was later like on Texel.
This island was liberated on the 20th of May 1945..
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Slide 38 - Slide
Exit ticket: Write down something you learned this lesson
Slide 39 - Open question
Exit ticket: Write something down you don't understandn yet