Mavo 2 Engels Week 49 Theme 3 Grammar J

Today's lesson plan
  1. Recap adverbials of place and time  (bepalingen van plaats en tijd)
  2. Grammar J: Past continuous (verleden tijd in duurvorm) 
  3. Watch the Youtube video at the end of this Lessonup, do the online exercises and upload a screenshot  in Magister opdrachten: Engels week 49 les 1
  4. Finished? On the site of Stepping Stones: Theme 3 Grammar J, excercise 24 and 25.
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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 19 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 2 videos.

Items in this lesson

Today's lesson plan
  1. Recap adverbials of place and time  (bepalingen van plaats en tijd)
  2. Grammar J: Past continuous (verleden tijd in duurvorm) 
  3. Watch the Youtube video at the end of this Lessonup, do the online exercises and upload a screenshot  in Magister opdrachten: Engels week 49 les 1
  4. Finished? On the site of Stepping Stones: Theme 3 Grammar J, excercise 24 and 25.

Slide 1 - Slide

Open your textbook  on p. 47: 

Slide 2 - Slide

Slide 3 - Slide

Slide 4 - Slide

How do we make the past continuous?
Een vorm van to be + de stam van het werkwoord+ ing
I was walking
you were walking
he, she, it was walking
we were walking
you were walking
they were walking

Slide 5 - Slide

Slide 6 - Slide

Slide 7 - Slide

Past Simple or Past Continuous?

I was having a shower yesterday.
Past Simple
Past Continuous

Slide 8 - Quiz

Past Simple or Past Continuous?

She had a great time yesterday evening.
Past Simple
Past Continuous

Slide 9 - Quiz

I _____ my homework when she called.
were doing
was doing

Slide 10 - Quiz

My sister _____ the dishes while
I _____ TV.
did - was watching
was doing - was watching
did - watched
does - watch

Slide 11 - Quiz

He _____ tennis from 3 till 4
yesterday afternoon.
are playing
was playing
is playing
were playing

Slide 12 - Quiz

Last question: Wanneer gebruik
je de
Past Continuous?
Als iets aan de gang is
Als iets gisteren is gebeurd
Als iets een tijdje aan de gang was
Als je wilt zeggen wat je aan het doen bent

Slide 13 - Quiz

Today's lesson plan
  1. Recap adverbials of place and time  (bepalingen van plaats en tijd)
  2. Grammar J: Past continuous (verleden tijd in duurvorm) 
  3. Watch the Youtube video at the end of this Lessonup, do the online exercises and upload a screenshot  in Magister opdrachten: Engels week 49 les 1
  4. Finished? (on the site of Stepping Stones): Theme 3 Grammar J, excercise 24 and 25.

Slide 14 - Slide

Slide 15 - Video

Oefenen met 
Past Simple en 
Past Continuous

Maak oefening 2 t/m 5
upload in Magister opdrachten

Slide 16 - Slide

Do you want some extra  practise? 
Have a look at the next slide

Slide 17 - Slide

Slide 18 - Video

Slide 19 - Link