This lesson contains 24 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.
Items in this lesson
The Passive Voice with Fairy Tales
Slide 1 - Slide
What is the Passive Voice?
Active sentence: "A witch cursed the princess."
Passive sentence: "The princess wascursed by a witch."
Key features:
Focus is on what happens, not who does it.
Use of 'to be' + past participle.
Slide 2 - Slide
Examples from Fairy Tales
Little Red Riding Hood:
"A wolf ate the grandmother."
→ "The grandmother was eaten by a wolf."
"The fairy godmother transformed the dress."
→ "The dress was transformed by the fairy godmother."
Snow White:
"The prince kissed Snow White."
→ "Snow White was kissed by the prince."
Slide 3 - Slide
Exercise 1 – Convert the sentences to passive voice
Slide 4 - Slide
The hunter saved her life.
Slide 5 - Open question
An evil queen gave Snow White a poisoned apple.
Slide 6 - Open question
The dwarfs built a glass coffin.
Slide 7 - Open question
The king invited everyone to the ball.
Slide 8 - Open question
Exercise 1: Convert active sentences to the passive voice
Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice. Use ‘by…’ where necessary.
Slide 9 - Slide
An evil queen gave Snow White a poisoned apple.
A hunter saved Snow White’s life.
A prince woke Snow White with a kiss.
The dwarfs built a glass coffin for Snow White.
A fairy godmother transformed Cinderella’s dress.
Snow White was given a poisoned apple by an evil queen.
Snow White’s life was saved by a hunter.
Snow White was woken up with a kiss by a prince.
A glass coffin was built for Snow White by the dwarfs.
Cinderella’s dress was transformed by a fairy godmother.
Slide 10 - Slide
The prince found Cinderella’s shoe.
The stepsisters tore Cinderella’s dress apart.
The king invited all the women in the kingdom to the ball.
A wolf ate Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother.
A hunter killed the wolf.
Cinderella’s shoe was found by the prince.
Cinderella’s dress was torn apart by the stepsisters.
All the women in the kingdom were invited to the ball by the king.
Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother was eaten by a wolf.
The wolf was killed by a hunter.
Slide 11 - Slide
Exercise 2 – Create your own passive fairy tale!
Write a short story using at least 5 passive sentences.
A young girl was cursed by a witch...
but a magic potion was given to her by a fairy.
This potion was made from rhubarb.
In the end, the spell was broken by a brave knight...
the kingdom was saved from the witch’s magic.
Creative twist:
What if Little Red Riding Hood was a hacker?
Or if Sleeping Beauty woke up from a smartphone notification?
Slide 12 - Slide
Quiz – Active or Passive?
Slide 13 - Slide
"A dragon was defeated by the knight." (Active / Passive?)
Slide 14 - Quiz
"The prince kissed the princess." (Active / Passive?)
Slide 15 - Quiz
"The witch cast a spell on the kingdom." (Active / Passive?)
Slide 16 - Quiz
"A glass slipper was found by the prince." (Active / Passive?)
Slide 17 - Quiz
Exercise 3: active or passive?
Choose active or passive for the sentences below. Write the correct answer in the blank space.
The castle ______ (attack) by an army.
The castle was attacked by an army.
The prince ______ (kiss) the princess.
The prince kissed the princess / The prince was kissed by the princess.
A glass slipper ______ (find) by the prince.
A glass slipper was found by the prince.
The evil stepmother ______ (lock) Cinderella in her room.
The evil stepmother locked Cinderella in her room / Cinderella was locked in her room by her evil stepmother.
The kingdom ______ (rule) by a fair king.
The kingdom was ruled by a fair king.
The dragon ______ (defeat) by the knight.
The dragon defeated the knight / The dragon was defeated by the knight.
Slide 18 - Slide
Correction game in pairs
Step 1: Write an active sentence from a fairy tale.
Step 2: Swap your sentence with a classmate.
Step 3: Convert your partner’s sentence into the passive voice.
Step 4: Check and discuss each other’s work!
Slide 19 - Slide
🎉 Well done! Time for the fairy tale presentations! 🎭📖
Slide 20 - Slide
Extra: name three...
Students take turns picking up a card and making a 'Name three' question by completing the gap with the past or present passive form of the verb in brackets.
The student then reads out the question to the group members, who race to answer by naming three things belonging to the category.
The first student to do this successfully keeps the card.
The student with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
Slide 21 - Slide
Evaluation and conclusion
Slide 22 - Slide
Do you understand the passive voice better?
Yes, totally!
I'm not sure.
No, I still don't get it
Slide 23 - Poll
Can you recognize and correctly use the passive voice?