Scanning Skimming Reading in Detail

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WelzijnMBOStudiejaar 3

This lesson contains 13 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min

Items in this lesson


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Administrative matters

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Reading strategies
  • Scanning
  • Skimming
  • Reading in detail

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  • quickly looking through a text to locate specific information without reading every word

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Find the weather forecast for Tuesday
Weather Forecast

The weather forecast for this week is as follows:
Monday: Sunny with a high of 25°C.
Tuesday: Cloudy with a chance of rain in the evening, high of 22°C.
Wednesday: Rainy throughout the day, high of 18°C.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, high of 20°C.
Friday: Mostly sunny, high of 24°C.

Movie Listings

Here are the movie listings for the weekend at the Elmwood Cinema:
"Superheroes United" at 4:00 PM and 7:30 PM.
"Family Fun Adventures" at 5:15 PM and 8:45 PM.
"Animated Delights" at 2:30 PM and 6:00 PM.
"Action Heroes" at 4:45 PM and 9:15 PM.
"Comedy Hour" at 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM.
"Sci-Fi Spectacular" at 5:30 PM and 8:30 PM.

What time is "Action Heroes" playing on Saturday?

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  •  reading text's headings, the first and last sentences of paragraphs
  • to quickly gather the main idea

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 A Trip to the Zoo

Last Saturday, my family and I went to the zoo. We saw many animals like lions, tigers, and bears. The weather was nice and sunny.
We arrived at the zoo in the morning. We bought tickets and went inside. The first animals we saw were the elephants. They were huge and gray. I liked watching them eat their hay.
After that, we saw the monkeys swinging from the trees. They were very playful and funny. We took lots of pictures.
Next, we went to the birdhouse. There were colorful birds from all over the world. Some of them could talk! I tried to talk to one of them, but it just looked at me.
We had lunch at the zoo's cafeteria. I had a hamburger, fries, and a soda. It was yummy.
In the afternoon, we saw the seals performing tricks in the water. They were amazing! I clapped my hands when they did their flips.
Before leaving, we bought a souvenir from the gift shop. I got a small stuffed tiger to remember our day at the zoo.

  • What is the text about?

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Reading in detail
  •  carefully and thoroughly reading a text to fully understand the content

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My Favorite Season

I love the season of spring. Spring comes after winter, and it's a beautiful time of the year. During spring, the weather starts to get warmer, and the days become longer. The trees begin to bloom with colorful flowers, and the birds return from their winter migration.
In spring, I like to spend time outdoors. I enjoy taking walks in the park and picnicking with my family. We often see baby animals like ducklings and bunnies. It's a season of new life.
One of my favorite things about spring is the cherry blossoms. These delicate pink and white flowers bloom on the cherry trees, and they look like a beautiful pink cloud. People come from all over to see the cherry blossoms in full bloom.
Spring is also a great time for gardening. I like to plant flowers and watch them grow. I find it so satisfying to see the flowers bloom and bring color to my garden.
In the evenings, I like to sit outside and listen to the sounds of nature. I can hear the birds singing and the frogs croaking in the nearby pond.
Spring is a season of renewal and happiness, and it always puts a smile on my face.

  • How does the weather change in spring?

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