Future (o.t.t.t): What are the 4 ways to express the future?
will/shall + verb, present continuous, be+going to, simple present
1a will/shall + verb: iets gebeuren in de toekomst
It will be sunny on Friday.
1b will/shall + verb: iets voorneemt op het moment dat je het zegt "I think"
I think I will go to bed early tonight.
I will get the lemonade and the apple crumble pie.
1c will/shall + verb: na wens, veronderstelling, belofte, aanbod, voorspelling
I'll pick you up tomorrow, promised!
She hopes he will keep his promise.
1d uitzonderingen
- shall verplicht = I & we + voorstel, besluit of voorkeur, intenties & voorspellingen
- will verplicht = I & we? + informatie vragen
I shall call them first thing in the morning.
I will ask her to give me some of the details.
How soon will they get the results?