4me 6th of February

After this lesson:

kun je informatie geven en vragen om informatie;
kun je de opdracht goed lezen en je goed voorbereiden.
weet je wat je kunt doen ter voorbereiding op mondeling

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Slide 1: Slide
Middelbare school

This lesson contains 12 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

After this lesson:

kun je informatie geven en vragen om informatie;
kun je de opdracht goed lezen en je goed voorbereiden.
weet je wat je kunt doen ter voorbereiding op mondeling

Slide 1 - Slide

Zorg dat je goed bent voorbereid op een spreekopdracht. Lees de opdracht goed door. Zorg bij een mondeling examen dat je precies weet wat er van je verwacht wordt. Bedenk welke dingen je kunt gaan zeggen en zoek eventueel woorden en zinnen van tevoren op.

Slide 2 - Slide

 Work with a classmate. Play rock-paper-scissors to decide your roles. The first person to win three times plays role A, the other plays role B. Take five minutes to prepare your roles. 

Slide 3 - Slide

Role A
You are going to talk about your favourite sport. It can be a sport you play yourself or a sport you like watching on TV. Think about the things you can talk about. Make a cheat sheet with words and short sentences. You may use a separate piece of paper.

Role B
Your classmate is going to give you information about his or her favourite sport. Think of five questions you can ask. Write them down. You may use a separate piece of paper.

Slide 4 - Slide

Guess who?
Have a look at the people in the picture and choose one person. Describe this person to your classmate. Can they guess who it is?
what this person looks like;
what this person is wearing;
what this person is doing.
Do this game a couple of times. Take turns.

Slide 5 - Slide

Guess who?

Slide 6 - Slide

What's the oral exam about?
Make three exercises of the list

Finished? Make Reading lesson 1 (digital book / workbook B blz 83 tm 87)

Slide 7 - Slide

After this lesson:

kun je informatie geven en vragen om informatie;
kun je de opdracht goed lezen en je goed voorbereiden.

Slide 8 - Slide

I can have a conversation

Slide 9 - Poll

I can use my own words

Slide 10 - Poll

I only use English words

Slide 11 - Poll

Reading lesson 1 (workbook B)
Read THUG chapters 20+21

Slide 12 - Slide