
Good to see you all again!
  • On your table:
  • Book
  • Notebook
  • iPad --> LessonUp (once you are in today's lesson, put it down flat on your table)
  • timer
    1 / 13
    Slide 1: Slide
    EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 2

    This lesson contains 13 slides, with text slides.

    time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

    Items in this lesson

    Good to see you all again!
  • On your table:
  • Book
  • Notebook
  • iPad --> LessonUp (once you are in today's lesson, put it down flat on your table)
  • timer

    Slide 1 - Slide

    Learning goals
    • At the end of this week you can write about everyday aspects of life.
    • At the end of this week you can use the past continuous in sentences.
    • At the end of this week you can use vocabulary to talk about celebrations

    Slide 2 - Slide

    Today's Programme
    • Checking irregular verb knowledge
    • Some/any/possessive pronouns practice
    • Programme this week
    • Homework this week
    • Writing

    Slide 3 - Slide

    Fill in the missing verbs in the table below
    hele ww
    past simple
    volt. deelw. 
    to sell
    to keep

    Slide 4 - Slide

    Slide 5 - Link

    Slide 6 - Link

    Programme this week
    • Monday: Writing 
    • Wednesday: Grammar
    • Friday: Writing

    Slide 7 - Slide

    Homework for this week
    • Do:Unit 4 Lesson 5 exc. 2, 3, 9, 10 + Test Yourself 4.5
    • Study: Study Vocab Unit 4 Lesson 5 + irregular verbs

    Slide 8 - Slide

    Word Search Celebration
    • What? Find the 18  hidden celebrations in the Word Search. Write them down and translate into Dutch as many as you can find in three minutes
    • How? Individually
    • Time? 3 minutes
    • Note? If you have any questions, please ask!
    • Done? Study your irregular verbs

    Slide 9 - Slide

    Word Search Celebration
    • What? Write down your favourite celebration and why. Compare your answer to your neighbour and talk about it in English
    • How? Writing --> individually, comparing --> in pairs
    • Time? 5 minutes
    • Note? If you have any questions, please ask!
    • Done? Study your irregular verbs

    Slide 10 - Slide

    Writing an interesting article
    • What? Highlight the parts in An Embarrassing Story  in different colours
    • How? Individually or in pairs
    • Time? 7 minutes
    • Note? If you have any questions, please ask!
    • Done? Study your irregular verbs or start on your homework.

    Slide 11 - Slide

    Writing an interesting article
    • What? Rewrite the boring story you can find in exercise 5 to make it more interesting. 
    • How? Individually
    • Time? Remainder of today's class
    • Note? If you have any questions, please ask!
    • Done? Study Vocab, start on your homework, or study your irregular verbs.

    Slide 12 - Slide

    Next class
    • Grammar: past continuous
    • Writing

    Slide 13 - Slide