This lesson contains 28 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.
Lesson duration is: 70 min
Items in this lesson
5.1 Lords and vassals, Franks and Frisians
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5.1 Lords and vassals, Franks and Frisians
How did leadership change after the fall of the Western Roman Empire?
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Local rulers
Without central rule, what happens?
Less protection (no army), no laws
No cities anymore
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Western Roman Empire
After the fall
Run centrally from Rome
Several local rulers
A professional army secured its protection
Cities disappeared or became villages
Local government in the hands of city officials
Bartering replaced money
Effects of the fall of the W.R.E.
Main effects:
More wars → the new local rulers wanted to conquer more territory in Europe. So it became less safe for people in Europe
Agricultural society→ Cities were a target for plundering so people moved away. Because of the dangers on the road merchants didn’t want to travel anymore. Roads + bridges had been destroyed → to make sure they had food people used agriculture to produce food again.
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2. Why did people live safe lives during the time of the Roman Empire? There are two correct answers.
Slaves were trained and given weapons to protect Roman families.
The Roman Empire had a professional army to secure its protection.
People in Roman times travelled as little as possible.
The Empire did not have competing rulers, but was run centrally from Rome.
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The Franks
A Germanic people
Had no cities - Did not know how to write
Not one, but several rulers
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The Frankish Empire
Started by Childeric (440-482)
His son Clovis (466-511) united the Franks
Had a warrior culture ; it was common to fight
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3. How did Clovis increase his power? (two answers)
Slide 8 - Open question
4. Read the source. Why did people fear Clovis?
Slide 9 - Open question
5. Why was the death of a Frankish king often followed by a war or splitting up of the Empire?
Slide 10 - Open question
Lords and Vassals
Lords is the term used for rulers, such as kings
Named their most loyal soldiers vassals
Benefits for lord: they fight for him and gave respect
Benefits for vassals: closer to lord; different jobs based on loyalty
Loyal followers of a lord with special rights
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Slide 12 - Drag question
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Name two germanic tribes that lived next to the Franks
Slide 14 - Open question
The Frisians
Other Germanic tribe that lived north of the Franks.
Charles Martel (718-741) defeated the Frisians in battle.
734 AD: Slach oan de Boarn
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7. Where did the two Germanic tribes live? Drag to the right position.
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Charlemagne (768-814)
Most powerful Frankish ruler
Defeated the Saxons and conquered parts of Italy
Reminiscent of the power of Roman Emperors
Even crowned emperor by the pope
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Slide 17 - Slide
Slide 18 - Slide
9. In Dutch Charlemagne is called.....
Slide 19 - Open question
10. Which event is shown on the painting?
Slide 20 - Open question
11. On the coin below, you can see a portrait of Charlemagne. Was this coin made before or after 800 AD? Use the coin to explain your answer.
Slide 21 - Open question
What is?
continuity and discontinuity (in history lessons)?
Continuity: this means that somethings continues, or "keeps going on" .
For example: After the fall of the western Roman empire Christianity continued as an important religion.
Discontinuity: this means that something ends and is replaced by something different (it does NOT continue)
For example: When the Roman monarchy ended and Rome became a Republic.
A system of government was replaced by a very different system. So this is "discontinuity".
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500 AD
International trade
Latin language
use of money
Roman roads
living in cities
Rome: the center of Christianity
literacy and education
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12. For the Franks and other Germanic tribes a lot of things also changed or continued. Choose 'continuity' if it was an idea they already had before they conquered the Roman empire . Choose 'discontinuity' if they adopted the idea from the Romans. a. The Germanic tribes had several rulers.
Slide 24 - Quiz
12b. The Frankish ruler Clovis converted to Christianity.
Slide 25 - Quiz
12c. Gift-giving was used by Frankish lords to guarantee the loyalty of his followers.
Slide 26 - Quiz
12d. The power and property of the Frankish kings was hereditary