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#3 (45 min) retrieval describing met tekening, body words post its, head shoulders knees and toes, blooket
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Slide 1:
Groep 8
This lesson contains
17 slides
, with
text slides
Lesson duration is:
60 min
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Items in this lesson
Slide 1 - Slide
Slide 2 - Slide
Slide 3 - Slide
Today's class
* Retrieval last week's lesson
* Body words
Slide 4 - Slide
Retrieval last week - can you still do this?
Slide 5 - Slide
Do you remember how to describe a person?
Show what you know!
Take a pencil
I will describe someone, you will draw the person.
Listen carefully to the description!
Slide 6 - Slide
Show what you know and look up what you don't!
Work in groups. (5 or 6 per group)
Appoint one post-it-person
Write down the words of body parts that you know or look up the words online. Then stick them on your post-it-person in the right place.
Enjoy :-)
Slide 7 - Slide
What have we learnt?
Slide 8 - Slide
A quick check!
Let's see if you know the body words.
Stand up please.
I will say a body part, you point to it on
your own body.
Slide 9 - Slide
A song-challenge
ork in your body-parts-groups
Together make a new head-shoulders-knees-and-toes-song!
Slide 10 - Slide
Vocab check
Do you know the words by now?
Let's hope so!
Please join the game!
Slide 11 - Slide
That's it for today!
Slide 12 - Slide
New vocabulary - Body words
Stick the list in your notebook.
Colour the completely new words, or weird-spelling words
Colour the words you already know
Invest in words! They are your
Slide 13 - Slide
Puzzle time!
Dp the puzzle. Start with your notebook closed and fill in everything you know.
Then look up words that you don't know in the vocabulary list.
You can help each other.
Slide 14 - Slide
Speaking practise - at the doctor's
Hello doctor
< Hello, how can I help?
I have a pain in my ... and my ... Also, my ... is broken.
< Hmm, that does not sound good. How did this happen?
Well, yesterday I ... (fell/ had a fight / had an accident / ???)
< You have to go to the hospital for this. I will call an ambulance.
> Oh dear...
Slide 15 - Slide
Slide 16 - Slide
Body parts Ping Pong
One starts
Say an English body part
Now the other person says another body part
You cannot use the same word twice
Go on like this until:
- one repeats a word
- one has to think for more than three seconds
- keep playing until the time is up
Who wins?
Slide 17 - Slide
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