Computer Engineering Book 3: Unit 1 + 2+ 3

Computer Engineering
Book 3: Unit 1, 2 & Unit 3
1 / 14
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This lesson contains 14 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 90 min

Items in this lesson

Computer Engineering
Book 3: Unit 1, 2 & Unit 3

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To Do:
- Planning Term 4
- Unit 1 & 2: Computer Languages
- Unit 3: Arithmetic for computers
- Reading

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Planning Term 4
Book 3: Computer Engineering + Reading

Week 24 (11 June): Test Book 3 Computer Engineering
Week 25 ( 18 June): Test Reading

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Unit 1 & 2: Computer Languages
Which computer ( programming) languages do you know?

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Arithmetic for Computers

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Reading and Vocabulary

Unit 1, 2, 3:  Exercise 2, 3, 4

Finished?: Two reading exercises.

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Answers Unit 1
Exercise 2:      1) C     2) B     3) D

Exercise 3:   1) F     2) D     3) H    4) G   5) C  6) A  7)B  8) E

Exericse 4: binary digits
                        human-readable programming languages
                        systems software

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Answers Unit 2
Exercise 2:      1) B    2) C    3) A

Exercise 3:   1) D    2) A     3) F  4) C   5) H     6) E     7) G   8) B

Exericse 4: 1 A) introduction set                         B) word
                        2 A) address                                          B) Data

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Answers Unit 3
Exercise 2:      1) B    2) D    3) A

Exercise 3:   1) B    2) A     3) H  4) E   5) F     6) G    7) D  8) C

Exericse 4: 1 A) leading                                    B) leading 0
                        2 A) most significant bit         B) least significant bit

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Exercise 6: Listen to the conversations and choose the correct answer.

Exercise 7: listen to the conversations again and fill in the missing words.

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Answers Unit 1
Exercise 6:  1) T   2) F   3) F
Exericse 7:  1) keeping all the languages
                         2) confusing to have
                         3) so many different
                         4) developing software easier
                         5) How is that
                         6) commands in machine language

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Answers Unit 2
Exercise 6:  1) F   2) T   3) F
Exericse 7:  1) We input instructions
                         2) stored-program concept important
                         3) instructions can be stored
                         4) data processing faster
                         5) from the memory
                         6) long-term memory

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Answers Unit 3
Exercise 6:  1) F   2) F 3) T
Exericse 7:  1) negative and positive numbers
                         2) a little confused
                         3) signed numbers and unsigned
                         4) identify numbers
                         5) clarify that for me
                         6) representing signed integers

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Finish this week's exercises and study the words in bold.

You can find the meaning of the words in the glossary on p 34-41

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