Weektaak 44

Good morning M4F
Today's plan:
Check WB ex 20-25 blz 42-46
  • New weektask
  • Orientatietoets -> results

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 12 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

Good morning M4F
Today's plan:
Check WB ex 20-25 blz 42-46
  • New weektask
  • Orientatietoets -> results

Slide 1 - Slide

WB ex 20
1 approximate number of chairs Munro produces each year 50
2 number of branches to be cared for to produce one hundred chairs 1000
3 number of years it takes to grow a chair 4 to 8
4 number of shoots to be pruned for producing one hundred chairs 10,000

Slide 2 - Slide

WB ex 20
5 price in pounds of Munro's chairs 2.500
6 the number of solid parts the chair consists of 1
7 price in pounds of Munro's lampshades 1.000 to 1.500

Slide 3 - Slide

WB ex 21
1 het kweken/maken van milieuvriendelijke meubels
2 de productie van houten meubels uit één stuk; Fullgrown
3 wordt hij in de winter geoogst.
4 experimenteert ook met andere hout-/boomsoorten.

Slide 4 - Slide

WB ex 21
5 ze geen zwakke (verbindings)punten hebben. / de punten waar de het hout samenkomt/gebundeld wordt extreem sterk is.
6 hij een bonsai boompje (in de vorm van een stoel in zijn moeders tuin) zag / toen hij in de tuin van zijn moeder was
7 een kudde koeien
8 een boekenplank en een ladenkast

Slide 5 - Slide

WB ex 22

1 regel(s): Add the... is ready
2 regel(s): I like ... source material
3 regel(s): What attracted ... into bits.
4 regel(s): The Munros ... years' time
5 regel(s): It's an ... of everything
6 regel(s): The Chinese ... for centuries

Slide 6 - Slide

WB ex 23

1 To begin with you work from the top down.
2. Wait for the paint to dry and add the finishing touches.
3. Be sure to cut the fabric to size. 
4. After you're done with this you apply a final layer of varnish.
5. First collect all the equipment for the job.
6. Use the right materials or else the wood will split. 

Slide 7 - Slide

WB ex 24
1 First, you collect all the/your materials such as glue and paint
2 Following this, you paint a small plastic box
3 While you wait for the paint to dry, you make the head of the robot / the robot's head.
4 it's not important to work from the top down.

Slide 8 - Slide

WB ex 24
5 After you have done that you glue large bolts to the body
6 It's important to work carefully.
7 carefully twist / turn the bolts into the plastic box or else it will break.
8 Add the finishing touches and your robot is ready.

Slide 9 - Slide

WB ex 25 example answer
To begin with, collect the materials you need. First write down the measurements. Then, saw the wood to size, assemble the pieces and screw them together. After this, sand the wood until it's smooth. Finally, apply two layers of varnish. Use the right tools or else the wood will split. After you've finished, clean up your workspace. 

Slide 10 - Slide

Weektask week 45

  • WB: maken opdr. 26 + 27
  • Taak oefen SO maken voor klasgenoot itslearning
  • Theme 2 Vocabulary H+I + grammaticaregels
  • Grammar:
  • Pitfalls

Slide 11 - Slide

Let op:

Neem een woordenboek En-Ne mee. Er mag tijdens de toets niet geleend worden.

Slide 12 - Slide