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Short Stories part 1, introduction and preparation
Short stories
pt 1, introduction and preparation
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Slide 1:
Cambridge 4
Middelbare school
Leerjaar 4
This lesson contains
14 slides
, with
interactive quizzes
text slides
1 video
Lesson duration is:
40 min
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Items in this lesson
Short stories
pt 1, introduction and preparation
Please, take a seat, get your laptops out and log in to this LessonUp.
Slide 1 - Slide
Lesson Plan
Goals: introduce short stories project,
assess the availability and knowledge of ChatGPT,
inform about prerequisites
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Short Stories?
Part of the curriculum for English at VWO-level.
You will need to be able to:
- read and understand short stories in English
- distinguish between good stories and bad ones
-analyse short stories
- write a short story
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It's 2024. ChatGPT is over a year old.
Large Language Model AI's won't go away, they're here to stay.
Might as well learn to make use of them...
... while remaining a critical human being at the same time.
Use technology, but stay human.
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Do you know what ChatGPT is?
Yes! I use it all the time!
Yes, but I don't use it much.
Yes, but I have not used it yet.
Errrrmmm....I've heard of it.
No, I have no idea.
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Slide 6 - Video
Do you have access to ChatGPT on your school laptop?
Yes, I do.
No, I do not, but I can get it.
No, I don't and I don't know if I can get it.
My parents don't approve of using Artificial Intelligence.
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How to get ChatGPT
Make sure your parents know and approve.
Get a free account on OpenAI.com.
Through your internet browser.
Explore ChatGPT, talk about it with friends and classmates.
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What's the chance you can get access to ChatGPT AND be able to use it in class, you think?
No problem!
Should be doable.
Not sure.
Very small
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Looking forward
Short stories.....the old-fashioned way or the new way?
For us to
be innovative
, I need to be sure you can
use ChatGPT
AND that you would like to
use it in class.
Next: choose between old-fashioned and new.
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I tell you about short stories, you read them and about them.
You do assignments in normal writing (Word or pen).
You possibly need to do a test on the subject.
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We use ChatGPT, you work together and find out stuff, you present your findings in class, you write a story using ChatGPT.
You possibly need to do a test on the subject.
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Prerequisites for using ChatGPT
Everyone brings their (charged!) laptops to class.
At least half of the class has access to ChatGPT.
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Are we going to learn about short stories? Yes! But how?
New: using ChatGPT all the time.
Fairly new: using ChatGPT some of the time
Old-fashioned: lessons, home-work, write our own stories.
I don't know and I don't mind.
Slide 14 - Poll
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