Chapter 5 - lesson 12

Chapter 5: Lesson 12
Part 1: Test date and overview
Part 2: Mocktests
- Shorter version of chapter 5 test (study parts)
- Reading mocktest (SE leesvaardigheid)

- Practise your test skills
- Entrytest reading
1 / 10
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 10 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 80 min

Items in this lesson

Chapter 5: Lesson 12
Part 1: Test date and overview
Part 2: Mocktests
- Shorter version of chapter 5 test (study parts)
- Reading mocktest (SE leesvaardigheid)

- Practise your test skills
- Entrytest reading

Slide 1 - Slide

Chapter 5: Lesson 12

- Practise your test skills
- Entrytest reading

Slide 2 - Slide

Part 1: Test date and overview
Part 2: Mocktests
- Shorter version of chapter 5 test (study parts)
- Reading mocktest (SE leesvaardigheid)
Part 3: Extra practice

- Practise your reading skills
- learn to use linking words in your sentences

Slide 3 - Slide

Repetitie hoofdstuk 5
Repetitie hoofdstuk 5 donderdag 6 juni (Kijk som)
Presentaties: 30 and 3 juni

Toetsweek: SE leesvaardigheid
Examenteksten lezen + vragen maken
Oefenen in de les met technieken  om het juiste antwoord te vinden

- Practise your test skills
- Entrytest reading

Slide 4 - Slide

SE Leesvaardigheid

Toetsweek: SE leesvaardigheid
Examenteksten lezen + vragen maken
Oefenen in de les met technieken  om het juiste antwoord te vinden

Slide 5 - Slide

How to look for information
Space tour guide
Space Station, and around $175 million for a SpaceX tour of the moon.' Future tourists who consider travelling to space will want to learn about the moon from qualified space tour guides, so we will need scientists who know
the ins and outs of space. Although this may well become a high-paying job with flexible working hours, it will
certainly not be for everyone.

2- What do you need to become a space tour guide? Mention at least three qualifications candidates
need for this job.

Slide 6 - Slide

How to look for information
Space tour guide
Space Station, and around $175 million for a SpaceX tour of the moon.' Future tourists who consider travelling to space will want to learn about the moon from qualified space tour guides, so we will need scientists who know
the ins and outs of space. Although this may well become a high-paying job with flexible working hours, it will
certainly not be for everyone.

2- What do you need to become a space tour guide? Mention at least three qualifications candidates
need for this job.

A space tour guide has to be a scientist. He/she needs to know a lot about space. He/she has to be able to work flexible hours.

Slide 7 - Slide

Signaalwoordenlijst Engels
Engels signaalwoorden zijn belangrijk, omdat ze je helpen de structuur van een tekst beter te begrijpen. Ze geven namelijk een verband aan. 

but, nevertheless, even so, whereas, while.
and, also

Gevolg/ conclusie
because, so, therefore

Slide 8 - Slide

Stappenplan meerkezevragen
1- Kijk naar titel
2- Waar gaat de tekst over?
3- Lees de 1e vraag (niet de gegeven antworden)
4- Streep de alinea aan die je lezen moet
 a. Lees de aangestreepte tekst
 b. Let op signaalwoorden
5- Bedenk voor jezelf wat het antwoord kan zijn
6- Lees dan de gegeven antwoorden en kies je antwoord

Slide 9 - Slide

To do
Text 1,2,3 page 7,8,9

Slide 10 - Slide