K2D - H3.1.1

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo kLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 14 slides, with text slides and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Slide 1 - Slide


Welcome back 

Slide 2 - Slide

  • Who am I?
  • How was your holiday?
  • Check out Unit 3
  • Get to work 
  • Homework planning
  • Video: Question tags

Slide 3 - Slide

Mr. Möller - MLR 

I'll be taking over the English class from Ms. v/d Toorn untill the summer break.  
Things might be slightly different but we'll find our ways. 

General school rules are all the same...
Any questions?

Slide 4 - Slide

How was your holiday?

Tell us what you've been up to...!

What was the best day of your holiday?

Slide 5 - Slide

Let's get back to the book. 

Get your books out on the table.

We're starting Unit 3 (last Unit in book A) 

Slide 6 - Slide

Unit 3 summary - Money
  • Tags to questions (innit?)
  • Bezittende woorden (my/mine/of mine)
  • Toekomstige tijd: to be going/will
  • irregular verbs 
  • present simple vs. present continuous 
  • Words & phrases

Slide 7 - Slide

Get out your books and lets get to work.

Make exercise: 3, 4, 5, & 6

When done: Make exercise  7

Slide 8 - Slide

Question tags
Korte vragen aan het eind van een zin, zoals "toch?" in het Nederlands. Ze hebben een simpele regel:

Positieve zin → Negatieve tag
You are happy, aren’t you?

Negatieve zin → Positieve tag
You don’t like it, do you?

Slide 9 - Slide

Hoe maak je ze?
 Gebruik het hulpwerkwoord uit de zin (is, are, do, did, etc.).

She is late, isn’t she?
They went home, didn’t they?

Geen hulpwerkwoord? Gebruik do/does/did.

You like pizza, don’t you?

Slide 10 - Slide

Met I am: aren’t I - I am your teacher, aren't I?

Met let’s: shall we - Let's make dinner, shall we?

Bevelen: will you - Get to your work, will you?

Slide 11 - Slide

Get out your books and lets get to work.

Make exercise: 7

When done: Make exercise  8

Slide 12 - Slide

Home work

Finish exercise: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Slide 13 - Slide

Slide 14 - Video