2B. Ch5. C Reading

Please sit down
Put your book and Ipad facedown on your table

Lesson starts when the timer stops!
1 / 14
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo bLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 14 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

Please sit down
Put your book and Ipad facedown on your table

Lesson starts when the timer stops!

Slide 1 - Slide

- Question of the day
- Homework check
- Vocabulary
- Reading

Lesson goal:  Basis: You know the structure of a text
Kader: You can find out the most important information in a text

Slide 2 - Slide

Have you ever photoshopped yourself in a picture
with a celebrity? Who was it?

Slide 3 - Mind map

Homework check
Basis: Do exercise 11 t/m 14 + 16 on page 62-65

Kader: Do exercise 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16a 62-65

Comments or questions?

Slide 4 - Slide

Slide 5 - Slide

bewust zijn van
to inform
to record
news item
to be aware of

Slide 6 - Drag question

C Reading
Open your books on page 66
Basis: Do exercise 17
Kader: Do exercise 18. Save 2 pictures    
on your Ipad

Finished? Basis - Read strategy - 18a
Kader - Read strategy - 19a

Slide 7 - Slide

School uniforms are mandatory [=verplicht] in some countries. Some people believe it will benefit a lot of teenagers. It prevents anxiety and stress in daily life. However, the school uniform also has many disadvantages, which is why schools should not make their students wear uniforms.
First of all, the use of school uniforms will result in the fact that young students cannot express themselves through clothing. 

Secondly, only having school uniforms in a school will cause a very gloomy environment at school where everyone look the same.
To conclude, school uniforms should not be implemented in the Netherlands. Not only will it result in the lack of expression through clothing by youngsters, it will also ensure a boring school environment. Therefore, school should let their students' clothing choices to themselves.

Slide 8 - Drag question

Add your fake and real picture.
Can we guess the fake picture(s)?

Slide 9 - Open question

C Reading
Page 66-69 
Basis: Do exercise 18bc, 19, 20, 21
Kader: Do exercise 19ab, 20, 21 & 23

Study using Quizlet (click on the +)
18b- Ga naar pagina 227. Knip de verschillende onderdelen uit. Plak ze in de goede volgorde. Je krijgt zo het goede antwoord.
18c- Lees de goede tekst en beantwoord de vragen.
19- Beantwoord de vragen
20- Gebruik vocabulary op blz 96
21- Zoek een foto online waar je in gephotoshopped wil worden.Schrijf een stukje tekst naar Rob waarin je hem verteld hoe en wat.
19- beantwoord de wh vragen door de tekst te lezen.
20a- gebruik je fake photo. Welke trucjes beschreven in de tekst kan jij spotten?
20b - gebruik je echte foto. Gebruik de trucjes uit de tekst om de beschrijven waarom hij echt is.
21- trek lijntjes tussen woord en beschrijven. Blz 96
23- schrijf je mening over het gebruik van gephotoshopte fotos op (social) media.

Basis: ALL Words
Basis: Theme Words part 1
Basis: Theme Words part 2
Kader: ALL Words
Kader: Theme Words part 1
Kader: Theme Words part 2

Slide 10 - Slide

Basis - Correct order
Alinea 1: ‘Since 2015, Robert’ […] laugh,’ says Rob.’
Alinea 2: ‘I started photoshopping’ […] ‘ordinary, boring picture.’
Alinea 3: ‘Rob likes creating’ […] ‘I come in.’
Alinea 4: ‘Robert van Impe’ […] ‘Instagram, that is.’
Alinea 5: ‘Rob uses his’ […] ‘of my pictures.’
Alinea 6: ‘So far, one’ […] ‘years to come.’

Slide 11 - Slide

What is the structure of a text?
Starter, main, end
Introduction, body, conclusion
Introduction, main, conclusion
Starter, body, end

Slide 12 - Quiz

Which questions help to figure out what a text is about?
how much, which, whom
why, what colour, pictures, when
who, what , where, when, why, how
can, could, wish, why, how

Slide 13 - Quiz

Basis: Do exercise 18bc, 19, 20, 21 on page 66-69
Kader: Do exercise 19ab, 20, 21 & 23 on page 66-69

Study C Reading on page 96

Slide 14 - Slide