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EngelsMBOStudiejaar 4

This lesson contains 31 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 20 min

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You can practice by taking the
old facet B1 exams.

Check the website:

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FACET MBO Examens Engels B1
  • niveau B1
  • 90 minuten
  • leesteksten & kijk- en luisterfragmenten
  • 40 vragen
  • multiple choice
IVA zorgt voor:
- laptop
- woordenboek

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Click 'yes' or 'no'.
Click 'true' or 'false'.

Slide 6 - Slide

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Choose the correct answer.

Slide 7 - Slide

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Drag and drop the items.

Slide 8 - Slide

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Find the correct phrase in the text.

Slide 9 - Slide

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Find the correct heading in the text.

Slide 10 - Slide

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Use the buttons.
Mark the question.
It will have a 'flag' in your 'overzicht'.
Use the 'highlighter' to help you focus on certain parts in the text and questions/answers.

Slide 11 - Slide

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Finish the exam in 90 minutes.

Time left?
Check the marked questions.

In this case: go back to question number 8.

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Slide 13 - Slide

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Voor het totale examen met 40 vragen heb je 90 minuten tijd. 
Dus maak je maar 10 vragen, geef jezelf dan maximaal 23 minuten tijd.
Maak je 20 vragen, dan heb je 45 minuten tijd.

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Je kunt via internet oefenen met oude examens. 

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Je kunt via internet oefenen met oude examens. Kies voor MBO Engels B1 2022-2023 voorbeeldexaemen en maak 12 vragen uit het onderdeel 'lezen'. Geef jezelf er maximaal 30 minuten tijd voor (op het examen heb je namelijk 90 minuten tijd voor 40 vragen).

MBO Engels B1 2022-2023
Here's a sample question. What is the correct answer?

Slide 16 - Slide

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FACET mbo Engels B1 2022-2023
See the same word in the text and the question?
Double check if this is the correct answer!

Slide 17 - Slide

In this case answer A is correct.

A = correct because: 'on demand daytime = short-term'.
B = incorrect because: 'connect homeowners to business people' (so NOT only business people).
C = incorrect becaus: 'idle assets our homes and cars ...' (so NOT offices).

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Reading 4 questions

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Slide 20 - Slide

Gemiddeld 2:30 minuut per vraag.
Deze vraag bestaat uit drie onderdelen dus iets meer tijd.

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How to pay ...
Find answers in this paragraph.

device = card reader

paper Travelcard ticket

Hele zin lezen 'Show driver = paper ticket NOT Oyster card or Visitor Oyster card.

Slide 22 - Slide

Gemiddeld 2:30 minuut per vraag.
Vorige vraag extra tijd gegeven, daarom deze vraag iets korter tijd.

Slide 23 - Slide

A = correct
'make one more journey' = 'complete the bus trip'.

B = not correct
'top up your credit before you can use your card again' so NOT 'when still on the bus.

C = not correct
'make one more journey'. It says nothing about getting off at the next stop.

Slide 24 - Slide

Gemiddeld 2:30 minuten per vraag.
Lukt het in de gemiddelde tijd?

Vragen worden op volgorde gegeven. Dus de antwoorden op deze vraag zitten in de volgende alinea.

Slide 25 - Slide

A = true
your home address = where you live.

B = true
'a range of special promotions' = 'reduction on certain products and promotions'.

C = false
'the card costs £ 3' so NOT 'there is a £ 5 deposit ... which can be refunded'.

Slide 26 - Slide

Gemiddeld 2:30 minuten per vraag.
Lukt het in de gemiddelde tijd?

Vragen worden op volgorde gegeven. Dus de antwoorden op deze vraag zitten in de volgende alinea.

Slide 27 - Slide

Oyster card
pay a deposit ... = will be given back.

Visitor Oyster card
your home address = where you live.
a range of special promotions = reduction on certain products and promotions.

C = false
'the card costs £ 3' so NOT 'there is a £ 5 deposit ... which can be refunded'.

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Gemiddeld 2:30 minuten per vraag.
Tijd over?

Laatste vraag gaat over laatste alinea.

Slide 29 - Slide

A = not correct
'... head to Trafalgar square or check any bus stop information board'. Read the whole sentence.

B = correct
'Night buses stop on request only' = 'do not stop automatically'.

C = not correct
'London's buses run throughout the night', the text says nothing about the underground.
23 correct answers = grade 6

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Good luck and......
go get the first 50% of your English exams

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