WK3: Object-Oriented Programming in Python (Session 1)

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python
Week 3
Module Lecturer: Dr Raghav Kovvuri
Email: raghav.kovvuri@ieg.ac.uk

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ProgrammingHigher Education (degree)

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Items in this lesson

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python
Week 3
Module Lecturer: Dr Raghav Kovvuri
Email: raghav.kovvuri@ieg.ac.uk

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Introduction to OOP (1) 
What is OOP?
Definition: A programming based on the concept of "objects"
Objects: Contain data (attributes) and code (methods)

Why OOP?
Modularity: Easier to manage and maintain large codebases
Reusability: Code can be reused through inheritance
Flexibility: Easier to add features and modify existing code
Real-world modeling: Objects can represent real-world entities
Key principles:
Encapsulation: Bundling of data and methods that operate on that data
Inheritance: Creating new classes based on existing classes
Polymorphism: The ability to use a common interface for multiple forms (data types)

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Class: The Blueprint
Definition:  Class is a template for creating objects. It's like an architect's plan for a house
Key points:
  1. A class defines the structure and behavior that its objects will have.
  2.  It specifies what attributes (data) the objects will contain.
  3. It defines what methods (functions) the objects can perform. 
  4. A class doesn't occupy memory for the attributes until an object is created.
Real-world analogy: A class is like a cookie cutter. It defines the shape and features, but it's not the cookie itself.

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Object: The Instance
  1. An object is created from a class and occupies memory.
  2. Each object has its own set of attributes with unique values.
  3. Objects can perform the methods defined in their class.
  4. Multiple objects can be created from the same class, each being independent
Object is a specific instance of a class.  A concrete entity created from the class blueprint.
Key points:
Real-world analogy:  If a class is like a cookie cutter, an object is like an actual cookie made from that cutter.
In this example:
  • toyota and honda are objects (instances) of the Car class.
  • Each object has its own set of attributes (make, model, year, is_running).
  • We can call methods on these objects (start_engine(), stop_engine()).
  • We can access the attributes of each object independently.

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Attributes in Python
Instance Variables:
Class Variables:
  • Unique to each instance of a class
  • Defined inside methods, typically in the __init__ method
  • Accessed using self.variable_name
  • Can have different values for different objects
  • Shared among all instances of a class
  • Defined outside any method, typically at the top of the class
  • Accessed using ClassName.variable_name or self.variable_name
  • Same value for all objects of the class

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Methods in Python
Instance Methods:
Static Methods:
Class Methods:
  • Operate on instance data
  • First parameter is always self
  • Can access and modify instance state
  • Most common type of method

  • Don't operate on instance or class data
  • Use @staticmethod decorator
  • Don't have self or cls parameters
  • Utility functions that belong to the class namespace

  • Operate on class data
  • Use @classmethod decorator
  • First parameter is always cls (the class itself)
  • Can access and modify class state
  • Often used as alternative constructors

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The self Parameter
  • self represents the instance of the class
  • Used to access variables and methods of the class within the class itself
  • Automatically passed to instance methods when they are called
  • By convention, it's named self, but you could use any valid variable name (though this is not recommended)
  • Allows each instance to have its own set of data, distinct from other instances

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  • Bundling of data and methods that operate on that data within a single unit (class)
  • Information hiding: Restricting direct access to some of an object's components

In Python:
  • Data protection: Prevent accidental modification
  • Flexibility: Can change internal implementation without affecting other code
  • Modularity: Easier to maintain and debug

  • Public: No special syntax, can be accessed from anywhere
  • Protected: Single underscore prefix _attribute (convention, not enforced)
  • Private: Double underscore prefix __attribute (name mangling)

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Getters and Setters
  • Used to control access to class attributes
  • Allow for validation of data before setting it
  • Provide a way to change internal implementation without changing the public interface
  • In Python, often implemented using the @property decorator

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  • Creating a new class based on an existing class

  • Superclass/Parent class: The class being inherited from
  • Subclass/Child class: The class that inherits

  • Allows for code reuse and establishment of a hierarchical relationship between classes
  • Subclass inherits attributes and methods from the superclass
  • Subclass can override or extend the inherited attributes and methods

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Method Overriding and super()
  • Method Overriding: Redefining a method in a subclass that is already defined in the superclass
  • super(): Used to call methods from the parent class

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  • Ability of different classes to be treated as instances of the same class through inheritance
  • Allows use of a single interface to represent different underlying forms (data types)
  • Enables more flexible and reusable code

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Conclusion and Key Takeaways
  • Classes and Objects: Blueprints and instances
  • Attributes: Instance variables and class variables
  • Methods: Instance methods, static methods, and class methods
  • Encapsulation: Data hiding and access control
  • Inheritance: Code reuse and hierarchical relationships
  • Polymorphism: Flexibility in using different

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