Reading intro

Read it!
Making the most out of your reading efforts
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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 5

This lesson contains 39 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Read it!
Making the most out of your reading efforts

Slide 1 - Slide

What is the first thing you do when you approach a text?
I read the questions
I glance over the text
I read the full text

Slide 2 - Poll

How often do you really read a full text at school for Dutch, English or other subjects?

Slide 3 - Poll

Slide 4 - Video

What was this clip about?

Slide 5 - Mind map

Lesson objectives
Exploring the concept of reading: 
  • The importance of reading well
  • There is more to reading than just skimming and scanning
  • Learning the strategies that belong to reading to learn > oral exam prep, but also studying for other subjects & in future! 
  • Please note that part of the strategies (pre-reading strategies) prepare you for the English exam 

Slide 6 - Slide

Did you know that...
  • Improving your reading skills contributes to better academic performance, better career opportunities and more happiness

Please note: Most reading assignments involve shallow reading strategies (skimming and scanning due to exams), while reading to learn is (also) crucial for academic success

Slide 7 - Slide

Do you think reading abilities are fixed?

Slide 8 - Poll

Is reading an active process?

Slide 9 - Poll

Pre-reading strategies
1. Reading purpose
2. Previewing and Predicting
3. Activating background knowledge

Slide 10 - Slide

1. Reading purpose: Why is it important to define your reading purpose before reading?

Slide 11 - Open question

1. Why define your reading purpose?
The intensity with which to read differs between reading 
a novel 
a poem 
an informative text for fun
an academic text to study 
the prescription of your medicine
to locate information

Slide 12 - Slide

2. Previewing and Predicting
  • Suppose you are about to read the text on the left page. 
  • On the next page you see a part of this text
  • Look at it and predict what the text is about

Slide 13 - Slide

Slide 14 - Slide

2. Previewing and Predicting 
  • Look at the Title, Headings and Visuals on the next page. 
  • What do you think the text is about? 
  • Does this change your predicitons?

Slide 15 - Slide

Slide 16 - Slide

2. Previewing and Predicting
  • Now look at the Every first sentence of every paragraph on the next slide: 
  • What do you think the text is about? 
  • Does this change your predictions?

Slide 17 - Slide

Every first sentence (of every parapgrah) have been written below:

Slide 18 - Slide

2. Previewing and Predicting
Why? You have already created a framework of the text: you know where the text is heading. This helps you to understand the text better. 

How? THIEVES-technique

Slide 19 - Slide

3. Activating background knowledge
Why? "It is easier to learn something new if you can link it to something you already know." 
How? Word web

Slide 20 - Slide

While reading
1. Comprehension monitoring & Repair Strategies
2. Annotation

Slide 21 - Slide

1. Comprehension monitoring
Look at the two slides:
  • What do you see?
  • Which reader do you identify with?
  • Who is the better reader?
  • Why?

Slide 22 - Slide

1. What can you do when you don't understand the text? Which repair strategies can you apply?

Slide 23 - Open question

2. Annotation
= adding notes or remarks on a piece of writing
  • active text interaction
  • helps you to monitor understanding
  • results in better comprehension and memorization

Slide 24 - Slide

Slide 25 - Slide

  • Annoteer een stukje wel en niet oid.. Kun je ook ah einde van de les doen en dan twee stukjes: welke onthouden ze beter? 
Of de het plaatje van de geannoteerde tekst laten zien en ze na laten denken over waarom het handig is. 
Of iets over de tijdsinspanning: het kost superveel tijd, maar levert uiteindelijk tijdwinst op bij leren.. (interactieve opdracht)

Slide 26 - Slide

3. Post-reading strategies
1. Graphic Organizers
2. Critical Reading

Slide 27 - Slide

1. Graphic Organizers (GOs)
  • Look at the images on the next two slides?
  • What do you see?
  • How can this help you to improve your understanding of a text?
  • In what other ways can it help you?

Slide 28 - Slide

1. Graphic Organizers

Slide 29 - Slide

1. Graphic Organizers
Description/ classification                Process/Sequence

Slide 30 - Slide

Slide 31 - Slide

What are graphic organizers? Why are they useful?

Slide 32 - Open question

Graphic organizers (GOs)
A graphic organizer helps you to
  • simplify and organize information spread out over a text
  • enhances your comprehension
  • and helps you when studying for a test
By asking a set of questions linked to the different GOs

Slide 33 - Slide

2.Critical reading
Why important (next slide)?

Slide 34 - Slide

Critical reading: why?

Slide 35 - Mind map

Critical reading (Analysis)

Slide 36 - Slide

Next lesson
  • You will read a text while applying everything you have learned today (the assignment will guide you through the steps & a bookmark) 

Slide 37 - Slide

Watch the clips in which you see a teacher apply:
  • previewing and predicting
  • activating background knowledge
  • annotation
  • graphic organizers 
  • post-reading strategies
so you can do it yourself the next lesson

Slide 38 - Slide

Did you know that...
  • Reading is more than just glancing over the text
  • It is an active process

--> In the next few weeks you learn a set of strategies that help you to read more actively to enhance your understanding, but also your memorization of the text 

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