This lesson contains 35 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.
Lesson duration is: 30 min
Items in this lesson
Have a seat and put your phones away please!
Slide 1 - Slide
Today's planning
Practicing grammar > relative pronouns, passive, can / could / to be able to, will / shall / to be going to, present simple and present continuous for future
Evaluating the grammar
Slide 2 - Slide
Relative pronouns
Slide 3 - Slide
Fill in the correct relative pronoun. Use - for NO relative pronoun. "I am an adventurous traveler __ loves exploring new places"
Slide 4 - Open question
Fill in the correct relative pronoun. Use - for NO relative pronoun. "I visited a temple __ was over a thousand years old."
Slide 5 - Open question
Fill in the correct relative pronoun. Use - for NO relative pronoun. "He was someone __ passion for nature matched mine perfectly."
Slide 6 - Open question
Fill in the correct relative pronoun. Use - for NO relative pronoun. "Are you the kind of person __ I could share my adventures with?"
Slide 7 - Open question
Fill in the correct relative pronoun. Use - for NO relative pronoun. "Maybe we could plan a trip together to a place __ neither of us has been before!"
Slide 8 - Open question
Hoe goed snap je de relative pronouns nu?
Slide 9 - Poll
The passive
Slide 10 - Slide
Is this sentence active or passive? "My email account was hacked last night."
Slide 11 - Quiz
Is this sentence active or passive? "Do you update your privacy settings regularly?"
Slide 12 - Quiz
Complete the sentences with the present simple passive or past simple passive form of the verbs in brackets. "Many emails (to send) every day through messaging apps."
Slide 13 - Open question
Complete the sentences with the present simple passive or past simple passive form of the verbs in brackets. "Emma (to trick) by an online scammer. Now she is more careful."
Slide 14 - Open question
Hoe goed snap je the passive nu?
Slide 15 - Poll
Future tense - will, shall, to be going to
Slide 16 - Slide
Will, shall or to be going to? "I feel sick. I think I __ stay at home today."
Slide 17 - Open question
Will, shall or to be going to? "They __ move to Spain next year. They already bought a house there."
Slide 18 - Open question
Will, shall or to be going to? "That bag looks heavy. __ I carry it for you?"
Slide 19 - Open question
Will, shall or to be going to? It's so cold! I __ close the window.
Slide 20 - Open question
Will, shall or to be going to? "We ___ visit our grandparents next weekend."
Slide 21 - Open question
Hoe goed snap je will/shall/to be going to nu?
Slide 22 - Poll
Can, could, to be able to
Slide 23 - Slide
Can, could of to be able to? "When I was younger, I ____ climb trees without any problems."
Slide 24 - Open question
Can, could of to be able to? She ____ play the piano very well, but she hasn't practiced lately.
Slide 25 - Open question
Can, could of to be able to? In the future, I ____ travel to many countries for my job.
Slide 26 - Open question
Can, could of to be able to? You ____ park here, but there are no spaces left now.
Slide 27 - Open question
Can, could of to be able to? They ____ find the solution to the problem after a few hours of thinking.
Slide 28 - Open question
Hoe goed snap je can/could of to be able to nu?
Slide 29 - Poll
Present simple / present continuous for the future
Slide 30 - Slide
Complete the sentence with the correct future forms of the verbs in brackets. "Our plane __ (to take off) at 7am so we'll need to get up early."
Slide 31 - Open question
"Those boxes look heavy! I __ (to help) you carry them."
Slide 32 - Open question
Sam __ (to not work) next week. He's going on holiday.
Slide 33 - Open question
We'd better hurry, our English class __ (to start) in five minutes.
Slide 34 - Open question
Hoe goed snap je de present continuous en de present simple voor de future nu?