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T2A past simple vs past continues
Chapter 2
Past continues vs past simple
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Slide 1:
Middelbare school
vmbo t
Leerjaar 2
This lesson contains
27 slides
, with
interactive quizzes
text slides
Lesson duration is:
50 min
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Items in this lesson
Chapter 2
Past continues vs past simple
Slide 1 - Slide
Class map (klassenplattegrond)
- Zit op je plek volgens de plattegrond.
Slide 2 - Slide
Today´s Lesson
- Goals
- Grammar: past continues vs past simple.
- What do we know about it?
- Exercises 29,30,31 and 32.
- Exercises.
- Quiz.
- Evaluation.
- Homework.
Slide 3 - Slide
- I know words I need at the doctor´s and I can use them correctly.
- I can use past simple and past continues in a sentence.
Slide 4 - Slide
What do we know?
- Past simple?
- Past continues?
- Why is it important to know?
Slide 5 - Slide
Past simple vs continues
Signaalwoorden voor de past simple zijn bijvoorbeeld: when, yesterday, last week, last year, three days ago, a long time ago, in 1989, etc.
Signaalwoorden voor de past continuous zijn: while, at the same time.
Slide 6 - Slide
Past simple vs continues
Binnen de verleden tijd kennen we in de Engelse taal twee vormen: de past simple en de past continuous.
Past Simple is de meeste simpele vorm en de verledentijd
Past Continuous gebruik je als wilt aangeven dat je iets in het verleden een tijdje deed.
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Past simple: ww+ed
I talked to Jim this morning
Past continues: was/were + ww +ing
We were baking a cake, while Jim Arrived
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- The children were doing their homework when I got home.
- Compare: The children did their homework when (= after) I got home.
- He was doing his homework when he saw a rainbow.
- They were talking about football when Michael got angry.
- A wasp stung me when I was having lunch.
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Let´s practise
- What: practise with exercises
- How: individually
- Questions: after the exercises or when I give you a turn.
- Enthousiasm is welcome but not too loud.
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Exercises pages 100-103
What? exercise: 29,30,31 and 32.
How? Quietly.
With who? alone
Time: 10 min
Done? go to readtheory.
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The past continuous is used when...
something started and stopped in the past
something went on for a while in the past
something happened before something else in the past
something started in the past and continues in the present
Slide 13 - Quiz
The past simple is used when...
something started in the past and continues in the present
something went on for a while in the past
something happened before something else in the past
something started and stopped in the past
Slide 14 - Quiz
I____ (to breath) very stongly, when I ran up that hill.
Slide 15 - Open question
While they_____ (to calculate) the total costs to buy the house. the broker suddely got ill.
Slide 16 - Open question
They....(talk) about football when Michael got angry.
Slide 17 - Open question
A wasp stung me when I.... (to have) lunch.
Slide 18 - Open question
Didn't you see? That man _____ (to wear) a dress.
Slide 19 - Open question
She ______ (to feel) pretty sick yesterday.
Slide 20 - Open question
Which is NOT an action that started in the past and continues up to the present?
I've been in these overalls for an hour and a half.
Oh, I've wanted a car like this since I was a kid.
I've been to Toronto
Slide 21 - Quiz
My parents..........(to have) dinner with the neighbours last night.
Slide 22 - Open question
Hannah and Sebastian.......(to hold) hands yesterday
Slide 23 - Open question
- Exercises: 29,30,31 and 32 pages 100-103.
- Practise the words on slim stampen.
- Practise listening.
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Quiz time.
- Go to Kahoot
- Enthusiasm is welcome but not too loud.
- Good luck.
Slide 25 - Slide
Hoe vond je de les?
ik vind het nog moeilijk
ik vind het nog een beetje moeilijk
ik snap het bijna
ik snap de les
Slide 26 - Quiz
That's all folks
Slide 27 - Slide
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