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This lesson contains 41 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson


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Today's lesson
  • Last lesson before the test
  • Short summary 
  • Mock test + answers
  • Q&A
  • Ready for the test

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Last lesson
Next week you will have your test.
Tuesday 31th January- 2A & 2B
Wednesday February 1st - 2C

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What do you need to know?
Hoofdstuk 5 Tegenwoordige tijd
Hoofdstuk 6 verleden tijd
Hoofdstuk 7 toekomende tijd
Hoofdstuk 12 Kunnen
Hoofdstuk 13 Mogen
Hoofdstuk 14 Moeten/niet hoeven

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Present Simple & Present Continuous

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Present Simple
Present Continuous

Slide 8 - Slide

every Saturday.
They never
with oil.
That tree
very fast.
I always
chocolate ice cream.
Those boys
in class very often.

Slide 9 - Drag question

Past Simple and Past Continuous

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Past Simple
You use the past simple when something happened in the past and is finished.

The past simple is what in Dutch is called the verleden tijd.

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 Regular Verbs
After a regular verb you put -ed'

I walk -> I walked
He walks -> He walked
They walk -> They walked

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 Regular Verbs Spelling

Als een werkwoord eindigt op een medeklinker + -y, dan verandert de -y in -ie: I carry - I carried

Let op, er verandert niets als het werkwoord eindigt op klinker + -y:
I play - I played

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Past Simple - Irregular verbs
Some verbs in English are irregular, this means that in the past tense they don't get '-ed' at the end, but have their own form:

To write -> wrote; I wrote her a letter last week
to go -> went; He went to Italy last year
to make -> made: They made a very nice meal two days ago

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Past Simple - Questions/negations
Did + entire verb:
Did you walk to school yesterday?

Negations (ontkenning)
Didn't + entire verb:
You didn't walk to school yesterday.

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Past Simple - Signal word
In Dutch signal words are called 'signaal woorden'  

These word help you to see if something happened in the past
  • yesterday
  • last week
  • ten minutes ago
  • in 2007

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When something was going on for a period of time in the past (ongoing action). 

We were doing the dishes yesterday.
Past Continuous 

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Past tense of the verb 'to be' and verb + ing
I was playing
You were playing
He was playing
We were playing
You were playing
They were playing
Past Continuous 

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iets van plan/voornemen

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Rule of use to be going to
1. When we have already decided or we intend to do something in the future.
I'm going to accept the job offer.

2. Predictions with evidence
look at the clouds, it's going to rain.

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Rule of use will
For predictions without evidence.
It will probably rain tomorrow.

For things that we decide to do now. (spontaneous)
I'll buy one for you too.

To make an offer, a promise or a threat.
Don't you worry, I will take care of you dogs for you.

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Will or Going to

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To be able to
Je gebruikt to be able to om te zeggen dat iemand in staat is:

I'm not able to run a marathon.
We're able to go to your party tonight.
The police are unable to find the thief.

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to be + able to + hele ww

Let op! je moet 'to be' vervoegen:

I am able to play football.

He is able to play football.

They are able to play football.

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be able to
zou kunnen/ konden
in staat zijn om...

Slide 30 - Drag question


There are many different ways to express consent (toestemming).
Om toetstemming te geven kun je may of can gebruiken: You may/can use my books.
Om toestemming te vragen kun je may, can en could gebruiken: May/Can/Could I use your computer?
Bij verboden of regels kun je ook be allowed to gebruiken: You are not allowed to park here.

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Be allowed/may/can
May/can kunnen toestemming geven 
May I look around?
can we leave our bags here?

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May kan naast toestemming, ook een mogelijkheid aangeven. 
What he says may be true
The police may use force.

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Er zijn veel verschillende manieren om moeten in het engels uit te drukken.
Om een verplichting of noodzaak uit te drukken gebruik je:
 Have to, Need to en Must.
Must is veel sterker dan have to en need to--> 

You must always study hard for your English tests!

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Must/have (got) to/should
Must kan alleen in de tegenwoordige tijd gebruikt worden
In de verleden tijd gebruik je had to: She had to pay a fine.
I must help her vs I had to help her

Toekomende tijd: I will have to help her of I will need to help her.

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Niet hoeven
Let op: niet hoeven = don't have to/needn't
You don't have to give me a reason if you don't want to
You needn't tell her. She already knows.

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Should (not) = zou (niet) moeten.
Should  (+not) + hele werkwoord

jij vindt dat iets (niet) zou moeten.
Je geeft een advies.
Je raadt iets af.
Iets is goed om te doen, maar niet verplicht...

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had moeten:
Iets had moeten gebeuren, maar is niet gebeurd:
I should have written sooner

Je kan hier ook ought to  have gebruiken: You ought to have warned me

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Mock test
  • Make the mock test on teams
  • Finished?
  • Check your answers.
  • Finished that too?
  • Catch up with all the homework.

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Tuesday 31th January- 2A & 2B
Wednesday February 1st - 2C

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How is your grade determined? 

Homework grade + Project 3 + BLE Test : 3 = your English mark!

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