Present Continuous -extra

HA1 Wednesday December 4th
Herhalen vocab 3.1
Leren grammar Present Continuous
Maken: exercise 8 (p 93) Onderstreep de signaalwoorden. :4051 - 4664 - 4057 - 1311 - 4063

1 / 20
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 20 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

Items in this lesson

HA1 Wednesday December 4th
Herhalen vocab 3.1
Leren grammar Present Continuous
Maken: exercise 8 (p 93) Onderstreep de signaalwoorden. :4051 - 4664 - 4057 - 1311 - 4063


Slide 1 - Slide

Hoe vorm je de Present Continuous?

Slide 2 - Open question

Welke tijd is hier gebruikt: de Present Simple of de Present Continuous? Sleep de zinnen naar de juiste tijd. 
Present simple 
Present continuous
I sing every day. 
I am singing right now. 
Water boils at 100 *C.
He likes pizza. 
I am playing a game.
He is sleeping at the moment. 
He likes to dance.
I am dancing. 

Slide 3 - Drag question

Present Continuous
De Present Continuous is een tegenwoordige werkwoordstijd. 

Je gebruikt dit wanneer iets op dit moment bezig of nu aan de gang is.

Slide 4 - Slide

Present Simple:
  • feiten, 
  • gewoonten, 
  • regelmatige gebeurtenissen
  • always, sometimes, never....
  • every day / week / month ....
  • at the weekend
Present Continuous:
  • Iets is nu aan het gebeuren
  • iemand is nu iets aan het doen.
(zijn aan het.. / zitten te...)
  • at the moment
  • now
  • Look! (Listen! ...)

Slide 5 - Slide

Let op deze werkwoorden:
to like
to love
to want

Deze komen eigenlijk nooit voor in de Present Continuous:
(Je zit niet nu iets leuk te vinden of te willen...)

Slide 6 - Slide

Present simple 
Present continuous
At the moment
as we speak
every Thursday

Slide 7 - Drag question

Slide 8 - Slide

Grammar ex. 3 - p 93

Slide 9 - Slide

Lesson 2: Writing
  • 12 + 13        introduction in class
  • 14 t/m 16   

Read the instructions!

Slide 10 - Slide

Slide 11 - Video

Sarah ......... (walk) 5 km to school right now.

Slide 12 - Open question

Mike ........ (drink) a milkshake every Saturday.

Slide 13 - Open question

Dad ...... (cook) dinner now.

Slide 14 - Open question

The dogs ..... (play) with the ball every afternoon.

Slide 15 - Open question

Look! Jumbo jets .... (fly) directly above our house.

Slide 16 - Open question

  1. Sarah walks to school every day.
  2. Mike is drinking a milkshake now.
  3. Dad cooks a dinner every evening.
  4. The dogs are playing with the ball at the moment.
  5. Jumbo jets often fly directly above our house.

Slide 17 - Slide

A day at the zoo.
Emily and her little brother Timmy are visiting / visit the zoo today. They go / are going there every summer, but today is / is being special because it is Timmy’s birthday.
“Look! The monkeys are jumping / jump from tree to tree!” Timmy is shouting / shouts excitedly. "They are stealing / steal bananas from each other!". Emily always smiles / is smiling when she sees / is seeing giraffes. “The giraffes are eating / eat leaves from the tall trees right now,” she is saying / says.

Timmy loves / is loving animals, especially elephants. “What do the elephants usually do / are during the day?” he is asking / asks. Emily explains / is explaining, “They normally sleep / are normally sleeping in the afternoon, but today they are splashing / splash water on each other in the pond!”

At the lion enclosure, the guide is telling / tells a group of visitors, “Lions do not hunt / are not hunting during the day because they rest / are resting. But right now, one lion is roaring / roars loudly because it feels / is feeling hungry.”

After lunch, Timmy sees / is seeing the penguins. “The penguins are not swimming / do not swim at the moment. They are standing / stand on the rocks,” he is observing / observes. Emily is replying / replies, “That’s because they are waiting / wait for their food.”

As the day is ending / ends, Emily and Timmy head / are heading home. Timmy hugs / is hugging his sister and says / is saying, “I am having / have the best birthday ever!”

Slide 18 - Slide

Timmy loves / is loving animals, especially elephants. “What do the elephants usually do / are during the day?” he is asking / asks. Emily explains / is explaining, “They normally sleep / are normally sleeping in the afternoon, but today they are splashing / splash water on each other in the pond!”
At the lion enclosure, the guide is telling / tells a group of visitors, “Lions do not hunt / are not hunting during the day because they rest / are resting. But right now, one lion is roaring / roars loudly because it feels / is feeling hungry.”

Slide 19 - Slide

Toets bespreken
  • Grammar niet goed begrepen.
  • Grammar niet goed geleerd.
  • Opdracht niet goed begrepen.
  • Opdracht niet goed gelezen.
  • Zinnen zelf niet goed begrepen.
  • Zinnen zelf niet goed gelezen.

Slide 20 - Slide