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4.3 Chirstianity in Europe II & 4.4 Charlemange
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Slide 1:
Middelbare school
mavo, havo
Leerjaar 1
This lesson contains
14 slides
, with
text slides
Lesson duration is:
45 min
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Items in this lesson
Slide 1 - Slide
Today's lesson
Recap of the previous lesson
Homework check
short explanation of 4.3
Time to work
Slide 2 - Slide
What do you think is happening in this painting?
Is this a primairy or a secondairy source?
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Homework check
4.2 ex. 7 till 11 and 4.3 ex. 1, 2 and 3
pay attention to each other.
do you have a different aswer? Just ask, sometimes there's more than one correct answer.
correct your answer.
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Lesson objectives
You know how christianity spread over de rest of Europe.
You know why monastries were built.
You know who Willibrord was.
You know who Charlemange was.
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Willibrord 658-739
Irish monk that became a
Came here in 690 to try and convert people to Christianity.
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How did convert heathens?
"I have permission from the Pope, but I also need your help!"
"I'll give you my support to convert people, so I can get more power."
King Pepin II
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What make converion "easy"...
Having an army provided by the King helps.
Using old Germanic traditions to meet Christian ends. For example using the midwinter festival of Yule to become christmas.
It would still take till the 11th century to make the Netherlands completely Christian.
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Go to work
10 minutes
Read page 69-70.
Do exercise
4 till 11,
on page 116 to 117, in pairs or in a group of three. You can quietly discus with the person next to you
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Charlemange conquered the biggest part of Western Europe.
46 year reign
2 years of peace
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How did he rule his empire?
Make sure that he gave land to leaders so they became loyal vassals.
Make sure that conquered kings stayed king, but they had to accept Charlemange as ruler, and they had to pay taxes. System of dependents.
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A new emperor.
In 800 pope Leo III crowned Charlemange emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
People would accept Charlemange as a leader if the pope approved.
The pope would see christianity spread further by Charlemange.
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Go to work
10 minutes
Read page 69-70.
Ch 4.3
4 till 11,
on page 116 to 117 nad
Ch 4.4 exercise 1 till 3
Test Friday 26-04 4.1, 4.2, 4,3 and 4.4.
Slide 14 - Slide
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