Unit 3, Lesson 3: Language focus 2 Present Perfect

To start
  1. Go sit in your assigned seat
  2. Take out your book, notebook, and laptop
  3. Log into LessonUp with the code on the board
  4. Be ready to begin when the timer ends
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 12 slides, with interactive quiz and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 40 min

Items in this lesson

To start
  1. Go sit in your assigned seat
  2. Take out your book, notebook, and laptop
  3. Log into LessonUp with the code on the board
  4. Be ready to begin when the timer ends

Slide 1 - Slide

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Unit 3     Art all around us

Slide 2 - Slide

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I can...
  • identify different types of art.
  • talk about what I have and haven't done.
  • ask and answer questions about music.
  • understand an article about a festival in another country.
  • invite a friend somewhere and arrange to meet.
  • write an Internet post about a concert.

Slide 3 - Slide

Goals for unit 3
Let's do a Quizizz to see what you remember from last lesson.

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Slide 5 - Link

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Present perfect 
  • For, Yet, Never, Ever, Just, Already, Since

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  • I have lived here for 5 years.
  • We haven't bought new shoes yet.
  • She has never seen Mulan.
  • Have you ever seen The Matrix?
  • They have just closed the shop.
  • He has already listened to the new Nicki Minaj song.
  • I have lived here since 1998.

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Present perfect never and ever
  • Have you ever seen that movie?
  • ever = exact time isn't important, sometime in the past

  • He has never played here at the festival
  • never = not at any time

  • Ever and never are always in front of the verb

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Get to work
  • Finish the exercises from the last lesson
  • Do exercises 3, 4 and 5 on the worksheet
  • You may work together (with your neighbor, low volume)
  • You may listen to music
  • Question? Ask your neighbor, then the teacher
  • Finished? Show your work to the teacher, you may then work on other homework.

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I can...
  • identify different types of art.
  • talk about what I have and haven't done.
  • ask and answer questions about music.
  • understand an article about a festival in another country.
  • invite a friend somewhere and arrange to meet.
  • write an Internet post about a concert.

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Goals for unit 3
Next lesson
Finish the worksheet (Unit 3 standard grammar)
Finish exercise 2 on p.33
Study the first 16 irregular verbs (to be - to feel)

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Let's play a game
Quizlet live

Slide 12 - Poll

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