Group A- Health and Safety- Lesson 3

Expectations- Classroom Rules
  • No entering the classroom without a tutor 
  • No food or drinks  when entering the classroom- Only water in a clear bottle
  • Log onto a Chromebook
  • Complete 'Do Now' task
  •  Participate fully in your session
  • No Hands up- Questions- No opt out 
  • No use of mobile phones- unless instructed to by tutor
  • Toilet breaks not permitted in the first 30 minutes or the last 15 minutes of your session 
  • Learning Review booklets/ Knowledge organisers 
  • Remember to put Chromebooks at the end of session and remember to log out and put back on charge. 
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Slide 1: Slide
HairdressingFurther Education (Key Stage 5)

This lesson contains 47 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 120 min

Items in this lesson

Expectations- Classroom Rules
  • No entering the classroom without a tutor 
  • No food or drinks  when entering the classroom- Only water in a clear bottle
  • Log onto a Chromebook
  • Complete 'Do Now' task
  •  Participate fully in your session
  • No Hands up- Questions- No opt out 
  • No use of mobile phones- unless instructed to by tutor
  • Toilet breaks not permitted in the first 30 minutes or the last 15 minutes of your session 
  • Learning Review booklets/ Knowledge organisers 
  • Remember to put Chromebooks at the end of session and remember to log out and put back on charge. 

Slide 1 - Slide

Health and Safety- Lesson 1

Slide 2 - Slide

Session objectives
By the end of the session you will be able to...
Complete Do now task for Different micro- organisms 
  • Recap the difference between a 'Hazard and a Risk' 
  • List different accidents and emergencies in a salon environment
  • List the different types of fire extinguishers used 
  • Be able to define what conduct means
  • List the different types of dermatitis- information on Google classroom
  • Be aware of the different methods of sterilisation, safe working practices, salon waste and security measures in the salon 

Slide 3 - Slide

What is a hazard?

Slide 4 - Open question

What is a risk?

Slide 5 - Open question

Slide 6 - Slide

What are the four types of micro-organisms?

Slide 7 - Mind map

There are 4 types of infections caused by Micro organisms:

Slide 8 - Slide

Bacterial infections
Bacteria are single celled organisms which vary in size and exist as spores.
Bacteria can multiply very quickly in the right conditions (warm and moist environments)
Examples of bacterial infections are:
Impetigo, Conjunctivitis, Acne Vulgaris  

Slide 9 - Slide

Fungal infections
Fungi infections include moulds and yeasts and are naturally occurring on the human skin.

They feed on organic matter. They secrete enzymes which break the organic matter down, and the fungi then absorb the nutrients which are released as the organic matter decomposes.
Fungi produce spores

Slide 10 - Slide

Viral infections
Viruses are tiny infectious micro-organisms which multiply in the cells of other living organisms.
Such as:

Slide 11 - Slide

Infestations are caused by tiny insects which live off the blood of their host
Example of infestations are:
Pediculosis capitis (head lice)

Slide 12 - Slide

Infections and Infestations transmitted by:

Slide 13 - Slide

Can you list as many ways to limit the chances of cross-infection and infestations?

Slide 14 - Mind map

Ways to reduce cross contamination 
  • Use clean towels for every client
  • Wear appropriate PPE
  • Check client for contra indications at consultation
  • Clean and sterilise equipment after every use
  • Clean work areas with disinfectant
  • Wash towels, gowns etc on a hot wash

Slide 15 - Slide

Can you list different Accident/ Emergency situations that could occur in a hair salon

Slide 16 - Mind map

Slide 17 - Slide

Accident/ Emergency situations
Below is a list of 4 accidents and emergency situations. In your groups, discuss how you think each one would be dealt with.
  • Slips, trips and falls
  • Client or colleague being taken ill
  • A fire in the salon
  • A flood caused by a leaking basin

Slide 18 - Slide

Slide 19 - Slide

Slide 20 - Slide

Employees have a greater responsibility for health and safety.
Employers should provide a safer environment.
Health and safety should be a shared responsibility.

Slide 21 - Poll

What is the difference between a hazard and a risk?
A hazard is the likelihood of harm, while risk is the severity of the harm
A hazard is a physical danger, while risk is a mental danger
Hazard and risk are interchangeable terms
A hazard is a potential source of harm, while risk is the likelihood and severity of the harm occurring

Slide 22 - Quiz

What does conduct mean?
write a definition for conduct….

Slide 23 - Mind map

Definition of Conduct
The manner in which a person behaves, especially in a particular place or situation.
"they were arrested for disorderly conduct“
Synonyms:       Behaviour, way of behaving, performance, comportment, demeanour, bearing, deportment

Slide 24 - Slide

When working in the salon your conduct should reflect you salons image. You should be polite and courteous at all times.
 When talking to clients and staff you should be professional and promote equality and diversity for all.

Slide 25 - Slide

Using the HSE link in Unit 202- Health and Safety on Google Classroom, Define the difference between the different types of Dermatitis and how they can look

Slide 26 - Mind map


Slide 27 - Slide

Methods or sterilisation 
These are chemicals(Barbicide), moist heat(Autoclave)and ultraviolet(UV)

Slide 28 - Slide

Slide 29 - Video

Autoclave- Moist Heat method 
Ultra- Violet Rays 
Barbicide- Chemical 

Slide 30 - Drag question

Salon Waste 
Two Hazards that are a potential risks
Two Hazards that need to be referred. 

Slide 31 - Slide

Disposing of Waste
General waste- food waste can be disposed in normal waste bin with a lid to avoid smells
Hair cuttings, foils must be disposed in salon waste bin
Packaging from products, plastics, cardboard and paper to be recycled
Chemical waste to diluted down the sink
Sharps to be placed in sharps box
Contaminated waste such as plasters must be carefully disposed in a contaminated waste bin with a lid

Slide 32 - Slide

Security in the salon
All staff should maintain security in the salon these include:
Storing minimal cash in the till
Keep the till draw locked at all times
Where possible do not leave reception unattended
Ensure clients keep their belongings with them at all times
Staff belongings to be stored safely or in lockers

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Protecting Client Data
Clients data must be protected and you must follow the Data Protection Act.
Accurate and up to date
You must store all information safely
If information is stored on the computer employers must register with data protection registrar
If client requests to see their information you must show them
You must keep all information confidential

Slide 34 - Slide

Safe working practices 
Shampooing Hair
 Water Temperature
Protection of clients clothing
Avoid products in clients eye
Comfort throughout service

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Safe Working Practices 
Blow-drying Hair
Correct direction of airflow
Avoid excessive heat on hair or scalp
Avoid excessive tension on the hair
Safe Working Practices 
 Perming Hair
Protect clients skin
Follow manufacturers` instructions

Slide 36 - Slide

Safe Working Practices
Colouring Hair
Protection of clothing & skin
Conduct necessary tests.

Safe Working Practices
 Setting Hair
Avoid metal pins contacting skin
Avoid excessive heat on hair or scalp
Remove rollers without damaging hair

Slide 37 - Slide

Write down as many different facts about the hair structure.

Slide 38 - Mind map

  • Is made up of transparent overlapping scales 
  • Heat/ chemicals will open the cuticles 
  • The cuticle scales should ideally be closed from root to tip to give the hair shine and lustre 
  • Healthy hair reflects light 
  • Damaged cuticle scales will make the hair feel porous and appear dull
  • When the hair is in good condition they are water repellent and when in poor condition they will allow more water to be absorbed into the hair making it more porous. 

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  • This is the section under the cuticle and is where most the action happens.  
  • Your natural colour is determined in the cortex and this is where artificial colouring mostly takes place.
  • It is this layer that has the bonds which hold your hair in place to determine if your hair is straight, wavy, curly or very curly. 
  • Where the hair is temporarily or chemically changed from straight to curly or curly to straight. 
  • It is the main part of the hair that gives it's strength and elasticity.  

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  • The medulla is the least interesting layer. 
  • it is the central part of the hair but is not always present. 
  •  In a single strand it may fade in and out when analysed under a microscope  or it may be present all the way through in some hair types.
  • it tends to appear in more thicker or coarser hair textures. 

Slide 41 - Slide

Is the medulla always present in every strand of hair?
It depends on the hair type

Slide 42 - Quiz

Which layer of the hair is responsible for determining your natural color?

Slide 43 - Quiz

What is the cuticle made up of?
Transparent overlapping scales
Sebaceous glands
Protein fibers
Melanin pigment

Slide 44 - Quiz

What can open the cuticles?

Slide 45 - Quiz

What happens when the cuticle scales are damaged?
Hair loses color
Hair feels porous and appears dull
Hair grows faster
Hair becomes thicker

Slide 46 - Quiz

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