Period 4 - games irr verbs & p.s.

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavo, havoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 12 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson


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Today's lesson
Lesson goals:

  • You have made a plan for studying for the test.
  • You feel confident about the test next week.

Slide 2 - Slide

5 min - Inloop. Heb je vragen? Nu kun je ze stellen. 

Telefoon in de telefoontas, geen eten en drinken [ook geen kauwgom], zoek je plek en pak je spullen

10 min - Planning voor proefwerk vrijdag 3 juni. 
10 min - Irregular verb bingo
20 min - Period 4 games
5 min - Centrale afsluiting en hw instructie

Slide 3 - Slide

Dictation: answers

  1. Suddenly - plotseling
  2. Huge - enorm
  3. Suspect - verdachte
  4. Nationality - nationaliteit
  5. Occupation - beroep
  6. Sibling - broer/zus
  7. Lawyer - advocaat
  8. Fence - hek
  9. Conspiracy - samenzwering 
  10. Announce - aankondigen
  11. Cartridge - patroonhuls
  12. Gun range - schietbaan 
  13. Excellent - uitstekend 
  14. Assassin - moordenaar 
  15. Through - door

Slide 4 - Slide

Task evaluation
I'd like to know your thoughts, feelings and experiences with the task. 

Slide 5 - Slide

Task evaluation
  • You're going to have a look at the assignment from a fellow student. 
  • Use the rubric 
  • First, read the rubric
  • Secondly, read the report
  • Lastly, fill out the rubric 

Don't forget to write your own names + the names of the pupil[s] whose work your checking!

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No homework!

Good luck studying for the S.O. and have a lovely weekend!

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Today's lesson
Continue lesson 2

Lesson goals:

  • Read FBI files on three suspects.
  • Answer questions about these suspects.

Slide 8 - Slide

5 min - Inloop. Heb je vragen? Nu kun je ze stellen. 

Telefoon in de telefoontas, geen eten en drinken [ook geen kauwgom], zoek je plek en pak je spullen

10 min - Memrise + huiswerkcontrole
10 min - Bespreken huiswerk; les 2 opdracht 1, 2 en 3
20 min - Doorgaan les 2;  opdracht 4 & 5
5 min - Centrale afsluiting en hw instructie

Slide 9 - Slide

What else?
  • We're going to study the three suspects of the JFK murder together.
  • After that, you start exercise 14 and 5 of digibord lesson 2.

Slide 10 - Slide

Open Wired
Period four
Lesson 2

Slide 11 - Slide

Study words period 4, lesson 3

Do exercise 4 and 5

Slide 12 - Slide