SC TV2D Intro lesson

SC   TV2D   Intro lesson
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ScienceMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 16 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

SC   TV2D   Intro lesson

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Who Am I?
J. Stroosma (JSS)  (Biology/Science Teacher)  

HLO (laboratory)                                    
Master (Biomedical science / education)

Home: Delft                                              Cat: Larry                   

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Class rules
  • When the teacher is speaking, be quiet
  • When someone is asking or answering a question, be quiet and listen
  • Do not touch other people(’s stuff) without permission
  • You treat each other with respect   
  • No eating or drinking (except for water)                                             
  • If you do not follow the rules: max 1 warning --> 0.22

In the lab we will have differnt rules (will be explained next week)

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Science year 1
  • What did you like?

  • What did you dislike? 

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Science year 2:
3 lessons per week:
  • 1x lab lessons (skills)
  • 2x theory lessons

Grades first period:

- First test is in the testweek (4x)

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This is what we use regularly:
  • Macbook
  • Textbook
  • Notebook (A4 squares)
  • Pen & pencil
  • Highlight markers
  • Geometric triangle
  • Calculator
  • Lab journal (will be explained further into the presentation)

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Online tools:
This is what we use regularly:
  • Magister (homework/deadlines)
  • Classroom (assignments and links)  
  • StudyGo (glossaries)  
  • Kwizl (formative testing) 
  • LessonUp (review presentations) 

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What is a lab journal?
A lab journal is a journal for your laboratory experiments
  • A record of your aims
  • Practical performance and results of experiments
  • The processing and analysis of the results

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Research cycle

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Why do we use a lab journal?
  • Organisation 
  • You can easily look back at previous experiments
  • You are better prepared for the skills lessons

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Lab journal (start)
  • Name 
  • Class
First pages: 
Table of content
  • Title, 
  • Page number 
  • Date of skill lesson

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How to use it? Preparation
Before each experiment: (write this in your lab journal as homework)
  • Title and date (and labpartner)
  • Research question 
  • Hypothesis
  • Materials
  • Method
  • Safety
(you can find a lot of information on your worksheets)

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You can write or draw your steps:
(write by using your own words!)

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How to use it?
During each experiment:
  • Fill in your worksheet
  • Take notes

After each experiment:
  • Glue or write the results in your lab journal
  • Reflect on your results (discussion & conclusion)

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Make sure you are prepared
The TOA will check all your lab journals before entering the lab


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Hw for next time:
What do you need to have done before next lesson:
  • Make sure you are logged into all the required apps (right side -->)
Hw for next week:
  • Prepare lab journal:        Investigating solubility (next lesson is a lab lesson)
(you can find the worksheet in classroom)

  • Classroom Joincode: kh2vnmm
  • LessonUp (see classroom)
  • Kwizl (see classroom)
  • StudyGo (see classroom)

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