Week 16 Les 1

- Take your seat 
- Grab a pen
- Start with the starting exercise words 
- In silence
- Raise your hand if you have a question
- 6 minutes


1 / 23
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 23 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 80 min

Items in this lesson

- Take your seat 
- Grab a pen
- Start with the starting exercise words 
- In silence
- Raise your hand if you have a question
- 6 minutes



Slide 1 - Slide

- starting exercise 
- introduction SE period 4
- lesson 3

Slide 2 - Slide

1. Don’t you ever ___________________________ on my phone when I’m away.

Slide 3 - Slide

1. Don’t you ever snoop on my phone when I’m away.
2. A protester was _________________________ wounded and doctors were unable to save him. 

Slide 4 - Slide

1. Don’t you ever snoop on my phone when I’m away.
2. A protester was fatally wounded and doctors were unable to save him. 
3. The ________________ of being arrested should stop people from committing crimes.

Slide 5 - Slide

1. Don’t you ever snoop on my phone when I’m away.
2. A protester was fatally wounded and doctors were unable to save him. 
3. The fear of being arrested should stop people from committing crimes.
4. Why do you think some students ________________________ other students. 

Slide 6 - Slide

1. Don’t you ever snoop on my phone when I’m away.
2. A protester was fatally wounded and doctors were unable to save him. 
3. The fear of being arrested should stop people from committing crimes.
4. Why do you think some students bully other students.
5. The film is about a girl who tried to ______________________ the death of her parents.

Slide 7 - Slide

1. Don’t you ever snoop on my phone when I’m away.
2. A protester was fatally wounded and doctors were unable to save him. 
3. The fear of being arrested should stop people from committing crimes.
4. Why do you think some students bully other students.
5. The film is about a girl who tried to avenge the death of her parents.
6. Please don’t __________________________ me. I’m trying to do my homework. 

Slide 8 - Slide

1. Don’t you ever snoop on my phone when I’m away.
2. A protester was fatally wounded and doctors were unable to save him. 
3. The fear of being arrested should stop people from committing crimes.
4. Why do you think some students bully other students.
5. The film is about a girl who tried to avenge the death of her parents.
6. Please don’t disturb me. I’m trying to do my homework.
7. The man made a ______________________ of defeat and hung his head in despair.  

Slide 9 - Slide

1. Don’t you ever snoop on my phone when I’m away.
2. A protester was fatally wounded and doctors were unable to save him. 
3. The fear of being arrested should stop people from committing crimes.
4. Why do you think some students bully other students.
5. The film is about a girl who tried to avenge the death of her parents.
6. Please don’t disturb me. I’m trying to do my homework.
7. The man made a gesture of defeat and hung his head in despair.  

Slide 10 - Slide

8. Students decided to join the ______________________ to protest against student loans. 

Slide 11 - Slide

8. Students decided to join the march to protest against student loans. 

Slide 12 - Slide

- starting exercise 
- introduction SE period 4
- lesson 3

Slide 13 - Slide

Slide 14 - Slide

Words Period 3 + 4

Learn the words from Dutch - English and English - Dutch

Fill in the gap exercises (translate the word & choose the correct word)

Make sentences, showing that you understand the meaning of the word 

Slide 15 - Slide

Words Period 3 + 4

Learn the words from Dutch - English and English - Dutch

Fill in the gap exercises (translate the word & choose the correct word)

Make sentences, showing that you understand the meaning of the word 
When? Beginning of June

Slide 16 - Slide

Eindtoets: grammatica en leesvaardigheid
  1. Present simple vs. Present continuous
  2. Past simple vs. Present perfect 
  3.  Zinnen ontkennend maken in de hiervoor genoemde tijden
  4. Zinnen vragend maken in de hiervoor genoemde tijden 

Slide 17 - Slide

Eindtoets: grammatica en leesvaardigheid
  1. Present simple vs. Present continuous
  2. Past simple vs. Present perfect 
  3.  Zinnen ontkennend maken in de hiervoor genoemde tijden
  4. Zinnen vragend maken in de hiervoor genoemde tijden 

Ongeveer 5 teksten 
Begrijpend lezen 

Slide 18 - Slide

- starting exercise 
- introduction SE period 4
- lesson 3

Slide 19 - Slide

Blink Lesson 3
- Get a pen
- Get your Blink book
- Go to page 117

Slide 20 - Slide

Slide 21 - Link

- Lesson 3 Blink checking answers
- Laptops
- Bring your books!


For Wednesday, April 19th:
M: Exercises 1,2 and 3 
on p. 118, 119 and 120
Homework will be checked!

Slide 22 - Slide

Slide 23 - Link