Koopman lesson 4 group B

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EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

This lesson contains 31 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 75 min

Items in this lesson

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Today's class
  • Homework
  • Starter: Tenses quiz

  • Main course:
-  Being polite and diplomatic

  • Dessert: spin the wheel.

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Common mistakes 1
2. until Friday = by Friday
3. I will by = I would be
4. attach = attached
5. I am agree = I agree
6. we can to meet = we can meet
7. so soon as = as soon as
8. I been = I have been
9. more better = better (or much better)
10. don't can't help = can't help
11. informations = information
12. to meet = to meeting
13. I am really = I really
14. the follow = the following
15. still = yet

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Common mistakes 1
1. reference to your
2. you for sending
3. inform you that
4. able to confirm
5. apologize for the
6. appreciate it if
7. get back to me
8. would be convenient
9. you would like
10. I'll write
11. meet you at the
12. hearing from you
13. a copy of the
14. invitation to visit
15. reference to your

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Common mistakes 1
Email 1: first paragraph
going visit = going to visit
I like to = I would like to
to showing you = to show you

Email 1: second paragraph:
would being = would be
please to let = Please let
to see you = to seeing you

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Common mistakes 1
Email 2: first paragraph
we been interviewing = we have been interviewing
to inform that = to inform you that
member of team = member of the (or our) team

Email 2: second paragraph:
invite you a short = invite you to a short
have chance = have a (or the) chance
can to estimate = can estimate

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Common mistakes 1
Email 3: first paragraph
I am write = I am writing
was transfer = was transferred
we yet haven't = we still haven't received (we haven't received the good yet)

Email 3: second paragraph:
told = said (or told me)
as soon you can= as soon as you can
for to lose = to lose

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Common mistakes 1
Email 4: first paragraph
not so good as = not as good as
remember you= remind you
particular = particularly ( or in particular)

Email 4: second paragraph:
I could be grateful = I would be grateful
as the later = at the latest
I am also discuss = I am also discussing

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Quiz: present simple vs. present continuous (zie link in planner)
I..........................(walk)home from school when I saw a wallet on the pavement.

Slide 10 - Open question

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I .............(go) to bed late last night.

Slide 11 - Open question

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By the time we arrived at the cinema, the film......................... (start)

Slide 12 - Open question

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I..............................(eat) my dinner, when the phone rang.

Slide 13 - Open question

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I..............(finish) writing my essay at midnight.

Slide 14 - Open question

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I...............(start) my new job in September and I really like it.

Slide 15 - Open question

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What is Mark doing at the moment?
He.......................(watch) a film.

Slide 16 - Open question

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Sophie..................(do not)like reading science fiction novels.

Slide 17 - Open question

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I................ (finish) my essay yet.

Slide 18 - Open question

We use yet + the present perfect simple, mainly in questions and negative statements, to refer to things we intend to do in the future but which are not done:
Don’t wash up that cup. I haven’t finished my coffee yet. (I intend to finish it.)
Haven’t you done your homework yet? (You intend to do it.)
We................(live) in our current flat since 2019.

Slide 19 - Open question

We use the simple aspect of tenses for actions which we think are:
• finished: I've done my homework. (the homework is finished)
• permanent: I've lived in England for 10 years. I've worked for this company for most of that time. (I think I will remain in England and continue to work for the same company)

We use the continuous aspect of tenses for actions which we think are:
• unfinished or in progress: I've been doing my homework. (it isn't finished yet)
• temporary: I've been living in England for six months. I've been working as an au pair. (I think I will leave England one day- my job is temporary)
We are.........(have) dinner at 8.00 this evening, so be home by 7.45, please.

Slide 20 - Open question

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I..................(visit) five countries in my life.

Slide 21 - Open question

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Being polite and diplomatic

Slide 22 - Slide

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Say yes (and not only to the dress)
You can do a lot more than just sayin OK.

  • I totally agree with you
  • I fully/completely agree with you
  • I am in total agreement
  • absolutely!
  • I totally get that
  • We have a deal!
  • I am in favor of that.

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Say yes (and not only to the dress)
Partially agreeing:
You agree, but up to a certain point.
What is keeping you from agreeing more?
  • I'd agree with you, but....
  • You may have something there, but.....
  • That could be right, but.....
  • You may/might be right.....
  • I agree up to a point......
  • I'd like to agree; however,
  • I am afraid I don't completely agree.

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How to say no (and still get the last donut)

  • From our point of view, this needs to happen...
  • That might work,depending on......
  • I am sorry, but I can't agree with you on this one.
  • Unfortunately, that doesn't work for me/us.
  • I am afraid there is no way I can't agree to that
  • Looks like we have to agree to disagree here.
Disagreeing: disagree with the idea, never with the person.

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Being polite and diplomatic
Finish assignment A and B.

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Being polite and diplomatic
Finish assignment A:

  • 1. Would you like /I was wondering if you could
  • 2. I wonder if I could/ Would it be a problem for you if
  • 3. Would you like me to/ Would it help if I
  • 4. Perhaps we should/ Why don't we

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Being polite and diplomatic
Finish assignment B:

  • 1. Looks like, small
  • 2. seems, nothing serious
  • 3. honest, might
  • 4. can see, don't
  • 5. Actually, doesn't, much
  • 6. Wouldn't
  • 7. What, about
  • 8. might, quite, won't, cheap

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Being polite and diplomatic

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Finish assignment D and E

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