L11. Giant covalent structures

  • You can go to the bathroom until 9:50AM. Leaving the room during our session is NOT allowed.
  • Keep your shirt tucked in. The person who is untucked will PRESENT A TOPIC NEXT WEEK.
  • Prepare your chemistry materials.
  • Put your phone in the tray.
Before we begin:
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ChemSecondary Education

This lesson contains 24 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

Items in this lesson

  • You can go to the bathroom until 9:50AM. Leaving the room during our session is NOT allowed.
  • Keep your shirt tucked in. The person who is untucked will PRESENT A TOPIC NEXT WEEK.
  • Prepare your chemistry materials.
  • Put your phone in the tray.
Before we begin:

Slide 1 - Slide

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Lesson 11
Giant Covalent Structures


Slide 2 - Slide

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Choose an emoji to tell us how you feel today.

Slide 3 - Poll

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Ionic compounds are poor conductors in the solid state. Give ONE reason why this happens.

Slide 4 - Open question

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Slide 5 - Slide

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  • identify and explain the properties of diamond and graphite as giant covalent structures
  • make a 3D model of diamond and / or graphite as giant covalent structures
Success Criteria

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  • giant covalent structure
  • physical properties
  • covalent bonding
  • hardness
Know the keywords

  • appearance
  • electrical conductivity

Slide 8 - Slide

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Important Keywords and Concepts
  • Individual; written
  • Do the important concepts activity. 
  • You only have 10 minutes.
  • Checking!

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Background knowledge
  • Individual; written
  • Write your hypothesis in the table given found on backside of your paper. 
  • You only have 7 minutes.
  • Checking!

Slide 11 - Slide

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Slide 12 - Video

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What is the main difference between the two?
Q and A

Slide 13 - Slide

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Slide 15 - Slide

central atom
How is a central atom carbon drawn in graphite?
Q and A

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Slide 17 - Slide

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Slide 19 - Slide

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3D Model-making
  • Group work
  • Make 3D model of:
- T1, 2, 5: Diamond
- T3, 4: Graphite 
  • You only have 10 minutes.
  • Checking!

Slide 20 - Slide

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Writing your Conclusion
  • Individual; written
  • Write your final answers to the given questions.
  • You only have 7 minutes.
  • Checking!

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Self - Evaluation
😁 - I can do this! I am ready to try something new.
😅 - I am getting there! I need a bit of help. I am a bit unsure. I might need to practice.
😬 - I need help! I don't understand this. I am not ready to move on yet.

Slide 22 - Poll

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  • Monday - Practical investigation
Up next!

Slide 24 - Slide

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